Prof. Melania Dulămea
Comisii jurizare BP si SP sem 1 2024-2025.pdf
The Basics of Architectural Design Department is in charge with the design pedagogy during the 2nd and 3rd years of study; it manages the design studios for the Faculty of Architecture.
Each studio observes the general educational framework set by the Department and this general framework is put in terms of general targets and timing.
The curriculum addresses various topics aiming at a first synthesis between the form, space, and the elements defining them, on the one hand, and the use/function of a building, on the other hand.
Generally simple buildings are suggested, reduced in volume, so that the sophomore student could become aware and control (more or less) the various design aspects that the architectural project raises.
The 2nd year is considered a second stage of "apprenticeship" in the architectural design, certainly based on the formal training in the previous year. This time, students are taught the architectural project proper.
The architectural objects studied are always connected to a specific site, which is the occasion to introduce contextual matters.
At the same time, the Scientific Departments start their specific applications, connected to the architectural design; specific matters related to urban planning and to building technology are particularly focussed.