Lect. Mihaela Lazăr
The Interior Design and Design Department coordinates the design activities (design projects, study of form, optional design studios) and the some of the theoretical courses that take place within the Faculty of Interior Architecture. The design activities aim to provide, for the future architect, the knowledge and the necessary skills to represent the forms and details specific for the interior, object and graphic design. The theoretical courses offered are those given by the department’s teaching staff or by the highly specialized invited teachers.
The Interior Design and Design Department was founded in the academic year 2006-2007 by splitting from the Study of Form and Ambience Department, for a better management and coordination of the didactic activities of the departments.
The high professional specialization in the fields of interior architecture and design of some of the department’s members led to their involvement in various activities as:
- Consulting designer for the prime minister’s office
- National Committee for the Public Monuments
- National juries for interior architecture and design
- National and international specific organizations.