Technical Sciences

Director: Assoc.Prof. Anamaria Mortu

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The Department of Technical Sciences is one of the traditional pillars of the Bucharest School of Architecture. Due to its strong connection with the professional practice, DTS covers a strong segment committed to acquiring knowledge, qualifications and abilities that are imperative for an architectural project, from its conceptual phase to its completion, in accordance with the complex requirements regarding the quality of a built object expressed both individually and socially.

The disciplines studied at the Department of Technical Sciences are present in the curricula of the Faculties of Architecture, Urban Planning and Interior Design.

The activities are coordinated by the department’s academic staff: courses, seminars, practical activities, technical projects; they define two major areas: 'architectural technology' and 'engineering sciences'. Some subjects (regarding the fundamental technical aspects of the building design process) are compulsory; others (regarding different degrees of knowledge or particular aspects of the architectural field) can be chosen by the students.

The vast majority of the DTS’s disciplines is oriented towards designing new buildings; however, there are some subjects that explore the technical problems resulted from existing buildings interventions, older or more recent. On the other hand, alongside with cutting-edge technologies, historical materials and historical building techniques are also part of the educational process, both as cultural reference of the building practice and in relation to the practice of restoration of such buildings.

The topics that define the field of 'architectural technology' are aimed at assimilating the basic elements belonging to the technological conception in architecture such as: the characteristics of the main materials and products used in buildings; the functions of the building elements in relation to their use and to the environment; the morphology of the constructive systems based on contemporary materials: masonry, concrete, wood, steel; the most important building finishes and non load bearing components, traditional and modern approaches; behavior and building performances in relation to the impact of environmental factors ( from a thermal, hygrothermal, luminous and acoustical point of view) as well as the energy efficiency in buildings; the quality control of the architectural product based on the concept of 'performance', the conception for the technical project an defining some method elements in the complex architecture design. Another important subject refers to the sustainable development as a result of the design project.

As a complement of the core subjects, students can also choose from a series of optional subjects, such as: the sustainable concept design of a building, ecological architecture, building rehabilitation, advanced materials and technologies, restoring techniques.

The area of 'engineering sciences' includes a sequence of subjects aimed to provide general knowledge regarding topics that relate to the architectural design process: statics, strength of materials, load bearing structures, appliances and equipments. By studying these areas, the architect can then confidently communicate in a creative way to other teams of specialists that are involved in the design project and to link to specific requirements that define the final qualities of the architectural objects.

The subjects that can be chosen from this category propose themes referring to the conception of special load bearing structures or to the impact of specific requirements that concern the structural design process or the degradation and consolidation of historical load bearing structures.

A defining characteristic of the Department’s activity is the fact that we focus on combining the theoretical and practical sides of the learning process. The practical activities play an essential part in the formative assessment process, whether they have an independent character (being directly associated to a subject) or if they have a synthesis character and are integrated in the design studio activities.

Among the academic support materials, the lectures of the Department of Technical Sciences assign an essential part to the use of images (digital photos, short movies) to illustrate principles, solutions, construction procedures, and in the same time to emphasize the relation between the architectural shape and its material structure, from the ensemble to the detail.

Digital technology is used as a teaching tool for better understanding the buildings' behavior or the relation between the environment, the elementary structures of the building and their working conditions.

Moreover, academic strategies are aimed at a direct contact between materials and products used in construction. We have a comprehensive collection of 'samples' in the Department's laboratory, and we also host visits and conferences held by prestigious construction companies that are present on the Romanian market.

The construction site practice organized by DTS for 3rd year students offers an important opportunity for future architects to witness the practical aspects of the technical theory that has been presented during lectures, directly on the construction site therefore integrating the conception process with the construction process. Students are trained to discover the technological base of the architectural feature; furthermore, they come into direct contact with the products and services that characterize the construction market.

The research activity and project design are the main components characterizing DTS activities and also represent a consistent foundation for the academic field. From theoretical studies to expertise and specialty studies, to technical projects, the Department covers through its specialists a series of particular areas of competence: architectural acoustics; buildings' energy efficiency; natural light and sun shading control; rehabilitation of buildings; architectural and structural restoration; constructive systems and new technologies; building regulations. Through the experience acquired in particular fields of interest by the members of the department a series of new subjects has been created, which have been integrated into the UAUIM educational curriculum.