Director: Lect. Alexandru Calcatinge
The department coordinates theoretical and design educational process in the field of Urban and Territorial Planning for the academic levels of Bachelor and Master degree in Urban Planning.
The members of this department form a teaching and research corpus whose aim is to researches the territorial and urban structures and processes, focused on the spatial dimension and oriented to the most efficient practical approaches.
By consequences, there are approaches for different specific sub-domains of the field, having specific educational methods, according to different levels of study. The main interests covered by the department start from the design of the urban spaces, up to the complex planning of territorial planning and regional development.
The department coordinates the design studios as well as other educational applications. The Urban and Territorial Planning and Development Department covers by its teaching body the theoretical and practical activities of the students, having a close collaboration with the members of other departments. Having wide responsibilities for a complex educational process, the department invites more associated professors and specialists, architects, urban planners, engineers, sociologists and economists from Romania and abroad, aiming to fulfill the requirements for such a diverse professional aims.
The courses and design exercise are adapted to the aims of the curriculum of each module and generally are following the increasing complexity of each level of education:
The basic information on city and urban environment, and analytical training in architectural and urban space are generally given in courses referring to elements of environment in urban planning and history of urbanism, analysis of the structures and design of towns. These units are integrated with technical basic information about the Utility Equipment. The study of morphological components of natural and built environment and of the territorial structures is developed through several exercises focused on specific analyses and representations of urban space, spatial and functional structures related to regulations and rules of urban and territorial planning and design.
Synthetic knowledges are developed for planning, urban renewal, elements of the management of the human settlements and territory. The main lecture refers to: Urban structures; Sociology; Urban Ecology, Recycling of the lands, Specific legislation elements and territorial development.
The aesthetical, socio-human and economic components as part of the urban phenomena are also integrated in the professional education process based on the teaching by studio applications, gradually increasing in difficulty.
These applications of the accumulated knowledge are developed under the carefully leading of the professors during planning and architecture studios, aiming to offer for the graduates an integrated approach of the urban and territorial planning activity, directly linked to the different types of documentations according to the Romanian Legislation.
Starting with the fifth semester, the students has the possibility to choose lectures and applications proposed by the Department, but also can start to be involved in the first exercise on research activities. The Eight semesters is dedicated for the elaboration of the License work, having a higher level of complexity.
The first eight semester of study lead to obtaining of the license in urban planning are followed for a part of the bachelors by another four semester for masters degree in different specialization (Territorial planning and regional development, Management for competitive cities, Mobility), all of them being opened to all kind of specialties linked to the problems and processes of urban and territorial design and planning.
The staff of the Urban and Territorial Planning and Development Department is involved in a great diversity of professional activities: research, design, territorial planning, elaboration of urban norms and legislation, expert examinations, where the most interested students often participate.