Note regarding the potential doctoral candidates who are citizens from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation (non-EU citizens)

Candidates who are citizens from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation can enroll in doctoral study programs at UAUIM only if:

According to the regulations in force, foreign citizens who are not part of the European Union, the European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation can be enrolled in the admission competition for doctoral study programs after completing the preparatory year of the Romanian language.

In our Doctoral Schools, each advisor has specific advisement topics, and doctoral students must match, through their project, one of the topics of their advisor.

The profiles of advisors of our doctoral school can be found at:

It is highly recommended to contact first the potential advisor writing a clear and comprehensive text, and submit only the files required by the person you contact, after receiving a positive answer.

The potential doctoral students, both Romanian and other nationalities, are under the conditions stipulated in the METHODOLOGY REGARDING THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ADMISSION COMPETITION FOR DOCTORAL STUDIES WITHIN U.A.U.I.M. regarding the vacant positions that one doctoral advisors can make available for competition, namely: