Article 1. Definitions of terms and acronyms
- co-author of a publication - any person nominated in the list of authors of a scientific publication;
- fabrication of results or data - reporting fictitious results or data, which are not the real result of a research and development activity;
- falsification of results or data - selective reporting or rejection of data or unwanted results, manipulation of representations or illustrations, alteration of the experimental or numerical apparatus in order to obtain the desired data, without reporting the alterations made, for the purpose of distorting the scientific truth;
- plagiarism represents - cf. OM 3020/2024 and according to the UAUIM Charter:
- the presentation as a supposedly personal creation or scientific contribution in a written work, design, in architectural, urban planning, design projects or in an oral communication, including in electronic format, of texts, expressions, ideas, sketches, illustrations, other graphic representations, demonstrations, data, hypotheses, theories, results or scientific methods taken from written works, including in electronic format, of other authors, without mentioning this and without referring to the original sources;
- takings of texts or graphic representations (images, sketches, illustrations, architectural, urban planning, design projects, etc.) of other authors, without mentioning this and without referring to the original sources, even if personal interventions were made in these takings;
- inaccuracies regarding the identification of quotations in the text and reference sources; - anything defined as plagiarism in specific legislation.
- self-plagiarism represents - according to OM 3020/2024 and according to the UAUIM Charter:
- republishing substantial parts of one's own previous publications, including translations, without properly indicating or citing the original.
- presenting in a written work or an oral communication, including in electronic format, texts, expressions, demonstrations, data, hypotheses, theories, results or scientific methods extracted from written works, including in electronic format, of the same or the same authors, without mentioning this and without referring to the original sources.
- publishing the same text/substantial parts of an own text under other titles;
- in the case of activities with different theoretical/scientific purposes, the author may reuse his own theoretical themes/ideas/concepts/graphic representations, etc., as well as methods, approaching them from different perspectives, without this constituting self-plagiarism.
(2) Acronyms
RIOF_SD – Institutional Regulation for the Organization and Functioning of Doctoral Studies
UAUIM – "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest
IOSUD-UAUIM – "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, with respect to doctoral studies only (excluding Bachelor’s and Master’s)
ARACIS - Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education;
CNATDCU - National Council for the Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates;
UEFISCDI - Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education and Research, Development and Innovation;
ECTS- European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System;
SDA – Doctoral School of Architecture from IOSUD- UAUIM;
SDU- Doctoral School of Urban Planning from IOSUD- UAUIM;
CSDA- Council of the Doctoral School of Architecture of IOSUD- UAUIM;
CSDU- Council of the School of Urban Planning of IOSUD- UAUIM;
CSUD- Council for Doctoral Studies.
Article 2. Doctoral fields and schools
(1) The doctoral studies at IOSUD-UAUIM represent the third cycle of studies, the purpose of which is to develop human resources competent in carrying out scientific research, capable of insertion into the highly qualified labor market. They consist of training through research for research-development and innovation, and constitute a professional research experience, completed, after defending the doctoral thesis and validating the procedure, by granting the doctoral degree.
(2) Currently, 2 doctoral schools are accredited and operating at IOSUD-UAUIM: the Doctoral School of Architecture (hereinafter referred to as: SDA), in the field of study "Architecture" and the Doctoral School of Urbanism (hereinafter referred to as: SDU), in the field of study "Urbanism".
(3) Both fields of doctoral studies, namely "Architecture" and "Urban Planning", are part of the SCIENTIFIC BRANCH (RSI) "Architecture and Urban Planning", part of the FUNDAMENTAL FIELD (DFI) "Humanities and Arts", according to Government Decision no. 367/2023 on the approval of the "Nomenclature of fields and specializations/university study programs and the structure of higher education institutions for the academic year 2023—2024".
Article 3. Types of doctorates and forms of organization
(1) The type of doctoral university study program organized in IOSUD-UAUIM, both for the field of "Architecture" and for the field of "Urbanism", is the scientific doctorate; consequently, this regulation refers only to this unique type of doctorate currently existing in the institution;
(2) The scientific doctorate aims to produce original, internationally relevant scientific knowledge, based on scientific methods.
(3) The scientific doctorate is a condition for a professional career in higher education and research.
(4) The scientific doctorate university study programs are organized in the form of full-time or part-time education.
Article 4. Financing of doctoral studies
(1) Doctoral studies are organized with funding from the state budget, on a fee basis or from other legally established sources.
(2) The financing of doctoral studies may also be carried out by private legal entities or research and development institutes, based on a contract with IOSUD.
(3) Private legal entities may propose to doctoral advisors from IOSUD research topics relevant to their area of interest and for which they are willing to provide additional funding. Upon the proposal of doctoral advisors, IOSUD may conclude contracts with the respective private legal entities establishing the rights and obligations of the parties.
(4) Grants related to doctoral studies include the amount of individual scholarships for full-time study.
(5) According to the Regulation for the allocation of budgetary funds for the basic and additional financing of state higher education institutions in Romania, the total value of the doctoral grant (TVDG) includes:
a) the value of the doctoral grant (VDG) – lei/year – granted as part of the basic financing of the university, which represents the salary of the doctoral advisor, the members of the advisement and academic integrity committee, the payment of teachers within the training program based on advanced studies (courses), the expenses for organizing the additional training program, research funds, the management of the doctoral school;
b) the value of the doctoral scholarship (VDGS) - lei/year – granted from the student scholarship fund.
(6) IOSUD-UAUIM will allocate a minimum of 20% of the funding through doctoral grants for research activities carried out by doctoral students, including their national and international mobilities, in accordance with the Internal procedure of IOSUD-UAUIM regarding the support provided to doctoral students for research-dissemination activities, internships and national and international mobilities, for the purpose of developing and completing the doctoral thesis.
(7) Payment of the doctoral student's rights (scholarship) is made according to the law, without excluding other forms of remuneration provided for by the legal provisions in force.
(8) A person may benefit from funding from the budget for a single doctoral university study program and only for the duration of studies established by law (4 years).
(9) Persons who have the appropriate financial resources, either from their own sources or from scholarships granted by natural or legal persons, may be admitted as doctoral students on a fee-paying basis.
(10) The amount of the annual fee is established by the UAUIM Senate, upon the proposal of the CSUD and with the approval of the Board of Directors, at least two months before the start of the academic year. The amount of the annual fee is established differently:
- in RON, for Romanian doctoral students and citizens of the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation,
- in EURO for doctoral students from states that are not members of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, as well as for British citizens and their family members, as beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01 (according to Cf. Art. 11 of OME 3693);
(11) Failure to pay the tuition fee by the doctoral student within the terms specified in the doctoral study contract shall result in the expulsion of the respective student.
Article 5. Distribution of subsidized seats between the 2 doctoral schools
(1) By Government Decision initiated by the Ministry of Education, a number of seats equal to the number of grants shall be allocated annually for doctoral studies.
(2) The allocation of seats and grants to IOSUD shall be approved by order of the Minister of Education.
(3) IOSUD – UAUIM shall establish transparently, through the Procedure for the distribution between the 2 doctoral schools of IOSUD-UAUIM of subsidized seats and doctoral scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education to each IOSUD, the criteria and the manner in which the budgeted seats and doctoral scholarships are distributed to the doctoral schools, as well as the fund intended to support doctoral students for research-dissemination activities, internships and national and international mobilities for the purpose of developing and completing the doctoral thesis, established according to art.7(6).
(4) The criteria for distributing between the 2 doctoral schools of IOSUD-UAUIM the seats financed from the state budget (subsidized seats and doctoral scholarships, statistically distributed annually by the Ministry of Education) are:
a) proportionality in relation to the number of doctoral students enrolled in the respective year;
b) average dropout rate per doctoral school (% number of expelled + withdrawn students / total number of enrolled students)
c) average completion rate of doctoral theses per doctoral school in the last 3 years (% number of defended and validated theses / total number of enrolled students);
(5) The computation method (mathematical formula) that ensures the correct distribution of places financed from the state budget (subsidized places and doctoral scholarships) is described in detail in the Procedure for distributing budgeted seats and doctoral scholarships between the 2 doctoral schools of IOSUD-UAUIM, which complements this Regulation.
Article 6. The doctoral student
(1) The person admitted to a doctoral university study program has the status of a doctoral student for the entire period of his/her presence in the respective program, from enrollment until the completion of the study program or until expulsion, except during periods of interruption of studies, but including any extensions granted according to the provisions of the study contract.
(2) The status of a doctoral student is maintained including during the period of internal and international mobility. In the case of international academic mobility of doctoral students who come to study on their own foreign exchange account, the recognition of transferable credits is carried out by IOSUD, based on the university autonomy, based on the request made by the respective mobile students and the presentation of relevant documents, according to the internal regulation on equivalence and transfer of credits.
(3) The recognition of transferable credits, in the case of national and international academic mobilities, can be carried out by IOSUD-UAUIM only for the person who proves the quality of doctoral student with study or schooling documents issued by the higher education institution he/she attended.
(4) The conditions and the manner in which academic mobility is achieved are established by a methodology approved by order of the Minister of Education.
(5) Doctoral students can be hired by IOSUD as research assistants or university assistants, as the case may be, for a fixed period, following a competition organized at the level of teaching departments, including doctoral schools, according to the internal methodology for filling vacant teaching positions with associated personnel (hourly pay)
(6) The doctoral student hired as a research assistant can carry out paid teaching activities on an hourly basis, in accordance with the legislation in force.
(7) During the doctoral study program, the doctoral student has the following rights:
a) to benefit from the support, guidance and coordination of the doctoral advisor;
b) to participate in the working meetings of the research and development staff within IOSUD when topics relevant to the doctoral studies are under discussion;
c) to be represented in the decision-making forums of the doctoral school, according to the provisions of these Regulations;
d) to access and use the research infrastructure of IOSUD, including logistics, documentation centers, libraries (including international databases) and equipment of the doctoral school and IOSUD for the development of research projects and the doctoral thesis;
e) to enroll in courses and/or seminars organized by other doctoral schools;
f) to work together with teams of researchers from IOSUD or from research and development units that have concluded agreements or institutional partnerships with IOSUD, with interdisciplinary initiatives being encouraged and supported;
g) to be integrated into research project teams from IOSUD, including by participating in the process of drafting and submitting funding applications;
h) to benefit from national or international mobility;
i) to benefit from institutional support to participate in scientific conferences or congresses, workshops, summer or winter schools and national and international seminars in the field in which he/she has chosen his/her doctoral thesis;
j) to participate in scientific communication sessions organized by the doctoral school and/or IOSUD;
k) to be informed about the curriculum of doctoral studies within the doctoral school;
l) to benefit from the student support services, existing at the level of higher education institutions, including those for accommodation and canteen.
m) to benefit from the student support services, existing at the level of UAUIM;
n) to benefit from the interruption of doctoral studies, in the following situations:
• medical leave, certified by specialist doctors;
• prenatal or postnatal leave, according to the law;
• leave for raising or caring for a child, according to the law;
• force majeure situations;
• other well-founded situations;
o) to benefit, throughout the duration of the doctoral study program, from the recognition of seniority in work and specialty, as well as from free medical and dental care under the conditions provided by Law no. 95/2006 on the health reform, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, and by the framework contract, without the payment of mandatory social contributions regulated by Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, with subsequent amendments and completions.
p) to benefit from the provision that the period of doctoral studies is assimilated, according to the pension legislation, for the purpose of establishing the contribution period.
q) to request the IOSUD management to terminate the contract, through a request to renounce the Doctoral Studies Program, only after paying the financial debts to the university;
r) to withdraw the original submitted study documents for a period of 48 hours.
(10) The doctoral student has the following obligations:
a) to respect the program established together with the doctoral advisor and to fulfill his obligations to present the research results and defend the papers;
b) to defend, at his request, at least once every 12 months, a presentation of the progress of his scientific research program before the advisement and academic integrity committee and the doctoral advisor;
c) to be in permanent contact with the doctoral advisor;
d) to respect institutional discipline, without restricting his academic freedom;
e) to comply with university ethics and deontology policies, and to carry out their studies and research in compliance with the norms of academic integrity.
g) to meet, in order to be awarded the doctoral title, the minimum national standards established by the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 5110/17.09.2018 which provide:
1. the doctoral student must provide proof that the research topic and fragments of the text of the work have already been the subject of full-text publication, with him/her as first author, sole author or corresponding author, of at least 3 (three) articles in nationally or internationally ranked journals, relevant to the research topic;
2. participation in at least 2 (two) national and international scientific communication sessions (proven by the session program) and publication of the results of these presentations in national and international specialized journals ranked in international databases.
h) to mention the affiliation with UAUIM-Bucharest on any work carried out during the doctoral studies;
i) to assume the correctness of the data and information presented in the thesis, as well as the opinions and demonstrations expressed in the thesis;
j) to respect good conduct in research and development, including the obligation not to fabricate results, or not to replace the results with fictitious data, as well as the obligation not to plagiarize the results or publications of other authors; the doctoral student is directly responsible for complying with quality standards or professional ethics, including ensuring the originality of the content;
k) to respond to the requests of the doctoral school, including with regard to reporting the results of the doctoral research and the feedback regarding the evaluation of the teaching staff and the doctoral study program;
l) to pay the study fees, within the terms and under the conditions regulated in the study contract;
m) to pay the outstanding credits, in accordance with the provisions of RIOF-SD.
n) to notify, in writing, the IOSUD secretariat of any change in his/her personal and contact data (name, address, telephone, e-mail, etc.). In the event that the doctoral student changes his/her contact data and does not communicate this to the IOSUD secretariat, he/she is fully responsible for the consequences arising from failure to comply with this obligation and any malfunctions in the communication of documents of his/her own interest.
o) to accept that the publication of the doctoral thesis, according to legal requirements, will be done with both the first and last name of the doctoral student and of the doctoral advisor.
(11) Throughout the activity, the doctoral student benefits from the recognition of seniority in work and specialty, as well as free medical and dental care under the conditions provided by Law no. 95/2006 on the health reform, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, and by the framework contract, without the payment of mandatory social contributions regulated by Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, with subsequent amendments and completions.
(12) The period of doctoral studies is assimilated, according to the pension legislation, for the establishment of the contribution period.
(13) After defending the doctoral thesis, IOSUD issues a certificate attesting to the period in which the doctoral student followed doctoral studies.
(14) Conflicts between the doctoral student and the doctoral advisor are mediated by the doctoral school council, and in case of failure to resolve the conflict at this level, it is mediated by the CSUD.
(15) Conflicts between the doctoral student and the doctoral school are mediated by the CSUD.
(16) The doctoral student is responsible for the originality of the doctoral thesis.
Article 7. Advisement and academic integrity committee
(1) The doctoral advisor is supported in the work with the doctoral student by a advisement and academic integrity committee, consisting of 3 members.
(2) The members of the advisement and academic integrity committee may be part of the doctoral advisor's research team, may be other persons affiliated with the doctoral school or teaching and research staff not affiliated with it. According to O.M.3020/ 2024, at least one member of the advisement and academic integrity committee is from outside IOSUD- UAUIM.
(3) All members of the advisement and academic integrity committee are university teaching staff, with the teaching rank of at least university lecturer and/or scientific researcher level III. In any of the situations, it is mandatory to have a doctorate and to have demonstrated scientific research skills in the field of the doctoral topic, including related disciplinary areas relevant to the development of the doctoral thesis.
(4) A teaching staff or researcher may be part of a maximum of 8 advisement and academic integrity committees, exceeding this number - as an exception - being approved by the Doctoral School Council.
(5) Members of the advisement and academic integrity committee cannot be nominated as members of the public defense committee of the doctoral thesis - cf. OM 3020/ 2024.
(6) The composition of the academic guidance and integrity committee is established by the doctoral advisor following consultation with the doctoral student.
(7) The academic guidance and integrity committee is coordinated by a committee chair who is the doctoral advisor of the respective doctoral student; in the case of a co-advised doctoral degree, the doctoral advisor where the doctoral student is enrolled is the chair of the academic guidance and integrity committee.
(8) The advisement and academic integrity committee is established and communicated to the IOSUD-UAUIM secretariat within the first 30 days of the doctoral student's enrollment and is active throughout the doctoral course, until the completion of the thesis.
(9) The advisement and academic integrity committee does not change its composition except in exceptional circumstances and/or a written declaration of unavailability by a member of the committee due to causes such as: serious illness, death, departure for a job/studies abroad, moving to another location, resignation, dismissal, suspension from office, conviction, violation of the norms of the Code of Ethics and Professional University Deontology, or other justified situations. In such situations, the doctoral advisor as president of the advisement and academic integrity committee must decide to replace the member of the advisement and academic integrity committee who can no longer hold this position, with the consent of the doctoral student on the newly appointed person.
Article 8. Doctorate under co-advisement
(1) Doctoral studies may also be organized under co-advisement, in which case the doctoral student carries out his/her activity under the simultaneous guidance of a doctoral advisor from Romania and a doctoral advisor from another country, or under the simultaneous guidance of two doctoral advisors from different IOSUDs in Romania, or under the simultaneous guidance of two doctoral advisors from IOSUD-UAUIM, from the two doctoral schools, based on a written agreement between the doctoral schools involved. These aspects will be found in the study contract (co-advisement contract).
(2) If the written co-advisement agreement is concluded between an IOSUD from Romania and a doctoral organizing institution from abroad, the course of the study program, the developed doctoral thesis and the conditions for public defense must be established in such a way as to comply with the legal provisions applicable at the level of both states. Otherwise, the administrative procedure carried out by IOSUD will be invalidated, and the doctoral title will not be granted.
(3) In the case of doctoral studies organized under co-advisement, the main doctoral advisor is the one for whose vacant doctoral student position the admission competition was organized, the second doctoral advisor having a secondary role.
(4) The doctoral student is fully accounted for by the main doctoral advisor, including in the normalization of his/her teaching and research activity.
Article 9. Admission to doctoral studies
(1) Admission to doctoral studies is the process of selecting candidates for the vacant doctoral student positions that the doctoral advisors within the doctoral school decide to propose for occupation during the admission sessions organized by IOSUD, through the doctoral schools.
(2) The admission process to doctoral studies in IOSUD-UAUIM at one of the 2 doctoral schools is described in detail in the IOSUD-UAUIM Regulation for Admission to Doctoral Study Programs.
(3) The research topics related to each vacant doctoral student position are proposed by the doctoral advisor and approved by the doctoral school council.
(4) The forms of financing of the doctoral student positions proposed for occupation are approved by CSUD depending on the research topic proposed by the doctoral advisors, in accordance with the IOSUD-UAUIM Strategy regarding priority fields and areas of interest for doctoral research, which is updated annually, before their competition.
(5) The vacant doctoral student positions that the doctoral advisors within the doctoral school decide to put out to competition must comply with the following conditions:
a) not to exceed the limit of 8 doctoral students simultaneously under the advisement of a doctoral advisor, not including doctoral students coordinated in co-advisement, with a secondary role.
b) by exception, up to a maximum of 12 doctoral students may be advised by a doctoral advisor only with the approval of the University Senate for each individual case and not for more than 20% of the doctoral advisors in a doctoral school.
c) to be in line with the IOSUD-UAUIM Strategy regarding priority areas and areas of interest in doctoral research, updated annually, specific to each doctoral school.
(6) The occupation of the places financed from the state budget by doctoral students will be done in the order of the ranking made following the admission competition (hierarchy of the averages obtained by all candidates).
(7) When registering for the admission competition, each candidate will clearly opt for a doctoral advisor affiliated with the respective Doctoral School. The research subject to be developed in the future doctoral thesis must be included in one of the topics in the portfolio of the respective doctoral advisor, who, in turn, falls within the institutional Strategy regarding priority areas and areas of interest for doctoral research in IOSUD-UAUIM. The admission procedure is detailed in the IOSUD-UAUIM Methodology for admission to doctoral university study programs.
(8) The selection of the candidate for a vacant doctoral student position is carried out by the doctoral school in compliance with:
a) the provisions of the framework methodology for admission to university studies, adopted by order of the Minister of Education;
b) the provisions of the IOSUD-UAUIM Methodology for admission to doctoral university study programs in IOSUD-UAUIM, approved by the UAUIM Senate.
c) the inclusion of the research subject in the IOSUD-UAUIM Strategy regarding priority fields and areas of interest in doctoral research.
(9) The methodology for admission to doctoral university study programs in IOSUD-UAUIM necessarily contains clear provisions regarding:
a) the form and content of the admission competition;
b) the criteria for evaluating and selecting candidates, announced at least 6 months before the admission competition;
c) communication of the admission results;
d) the methods of resolving complaints.
(10) Information regarding the organization of the admission competition for doctoral studies at IOSUD-UAUIM is published at least 30 days before its organization, on the official website of UAUIM at the page:
(11) Only graduates with a master's degree or its equivalent according to the law can participate in the admission competition for doctoral studies. The number of study credits accumulated for the bachelor's and master's degree cycles must be at least 300 ECTS.
(12) The following categories of candidates are entitled to participate in the admission competition for doctoral studies at IOSUD-UAUIM, in the fields of "Architecture" and "Urban Planning":
a) graduates of the master's degree cycle organized according to Law no. 288/2004 and National Education Law no. 1/2011, as subsequently amended and supplemented,
b) candidates who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent corresponding to long-term university studies organized according to Law no. 84/1995, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented,
c) graduates of master's degree studies conducted abroad, recognized by the relevant ministry;
(13) In addition to graduates with a master's degree or its equivalent in the fields of "Architecture" or "Urban Planning", under the conditions previously provided in points a)-c), graduates with a master's degree or its equivalent obtained in other related fields other than "Architecture" or "Urban Planning" but who, through their professional activity carried out up to the time of the exam, prove scientific research skills in architecture or urban planning, necessary to support the development of their doctoral thesis in "architecture" or "urban planning" by bringing original contributions to the development of knowledge in these fields, have the right to participate in the admission competition for doctoral studies at IOSUD-UAUIM in the fields of "Architecture" and "Urban Planning", under the conditions previously provided in points a)-c), have the right to participate in the admission competition for doctoral studies at IOSUD-UAUIM in the fields of "Architecture" and "Urban Planning".
(14) After completing the admission procedure, the doctoral school displays the hierarchy of admitted/rejected candidates, mentioning the beneficiaries of subsidies and scholarships.
(15) The doctoral school manages any registered appeals, in accordance with the provisions of the IOSUD-UAUIM Regulation and displays the results of this procedure.
(16) All candidates declared admitted following the organization of an admission competition are included in the CSUD decision on admission to studies, drawn up by type of financing, related to the respective session of admission competitions organized in the doctoral schools of IOSUD-UAUIM.
(17) After enrollment, all doctoral students are registered in the Single Enrollment Register.
Article 10. Doctoral study contract
(1) The study contract has as its object the development of the activities specific to the doctoral university study program, regulating the relations between IOSUD-UAUIM, the doctoral advisor and the doctoral student, specifying the rights and obligations of the signatory parties, in accordance with the legislation in force, the provisions of the university charter and the decisions of the university Senate.
(2) The model of the framework contract for doctoral studies is developed by CSUD and is made available to the doctoral schools of UAUIM.
(3) The doctoral university study contract is concluded with each doctoral student individually and is signed by the doctoral student, the doctoral advisor and the legal representative of IOSUD.
(4) The doctoral university study contract includes at least the following information:
a) data about IOSUD and the doctoral school;
b) identification data of the doctoral student and the doctoral advisor;
c) field of doctoral studies;
d) type of doctorate;
e) form of education;
f) form of financing;
g) monthly amount of scholarship/tuition fee, as applicable;
h) norm of research and/or teaching activities, according to the doctoral student's classification as research assistant or university assistant, as applicable, for a determined period, following a competition held, according to internal methodologies for filling vacant teaching or research positions;
i) duration of the doctoral university study program followed;
j) research topic;
k) language in which the study program is organized;
l) language in which the doctoral thesis is written and defended — Romanian, the language of a national minority or an internationally spoken language. Doctoral theses written in a language other than Romanian will be accompanied by a summary written in Romanian;
m) minimum standards that must be respected during the studies and in the process of developing the doctoral thesis;
n) the deadline for completing the doctoral thesis;
o) the conditions for extending the deadline for completing the doctoral thesis;
p) the conditions for interrupting the study program;
q) the amount of teaching activities that the doctoral student carries out and the period in which they are carried out (if applicable);
r) the conditions under which the doctoral advisor can be changed;
s) the conditions for terminating the study contract;
t) information regarding the processing of personal data, according to the legislation in force.
(5) Study contracts shall not be modified during the academic year. The tuition fee shall be maintained for the entire normal duration of the study cycle, and may be indexed at most by the inflation rate, for the same class of students.
(6) After signing the study contract, within 10 calendar days, the doctoral advisor shall establish the coordinates of the training program for the entire doctoral internship, and the doctoral student shall draw up the individual study plan for the first year, based on the specifications in these Regulations and the instructions of the doctoral advisor.
(7) The duration of the doctoral study program is 4 years. In special situations, for justified reasons, the duration of the doctoral study program may be extended by 1-2 years, with the approval of the University Senate, at the proposal of the doctoral advisor and within the limit of available funds, or reduced by one year, at the request of the doctoral student, with the approval of the doctoral advisor and with the approval of the University Senate.
(8) For well-justified reasons, doctoral studies may be temporarily interrupted for a maximum of 2 years, at the request of the doctoral student, with the approval of the doctoral advisor and with the approval of the University Senate.
(9) The duration of doctoral studies is extended by the cumulative periods of the approved interruptions.
(10) The extension or temporary interruption of doctoral studies is established by additional documents to the doctoral studies contract.
(11) If the doctoral student is expelled before completing the doctoral studies and defending the doctoral thesis, or if he requests to withdraw from the doctoral study program in which he is enrolled, the IOSUD-UAUIM secretariat may issue him, upon request, a certificate specifying the number of credits obtained.
Article 11. Doctoral university study program
(1) The number of transferable study credits for the doctoral study cycle within IOSUD-UAUIM is 60 ECTS/year (total 240 ECTS), of which 30 ECTS are allocated to the final writing of the doctoral thesis. For details on the activities credited, please refer to Annex 1.
(2) The doctoral study program is carried out under the coordination of a doctoral advisor and includes:
a) a training program based on advanced university studies, within the doctoral school;
b) an individual scientific research program.
Article 12. Training program based on advanced university studies
(1) The training program based on advanced university studies aims to enrich the doctoral student's knowledge in research methodology and in the chosen topic, as a basis for the proper conduct of doctoral research, as well as the acquisition of advanced skills specific to the doctoral study cycle; it must be relevant to the research topic of the doctoral thesis, as well as to the strategy of the doctoral school and IOSUD-UAUIM, and is established by mutual agreement between the doctoral student and the doctoral advisor;
(2) THE TRAINING PROGRAM based on advanced university studies is included in the time frame of the 1st year of studies and includes:
a) BASIC TRAINING ACTIVITIES (type A) - which underpin the course of a doctoral internship through:
1_ the acquisition by doctoral students of elements of research methodology, academic writing/dissemination, bibliographic research and academic ethics in the field of scientific research;
2_ acquiring/supplementing the necessary specialized knowledge in the chosen thematic area.
Basic training activities (type A) include: mandatory core courses, elective specialized courses, optional specialized courses from the approved curriculum of the doctoral schools of UAUIM or from the offer of other universities / study programs;
b) GUIDED INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (type B) - which aim to train doctoral students for research, in parallel with the development of their own thesis, under the guidance of the doctoral advisor (or, in the case of co-advisement doctorates, with both advisors). These activities necessarily include periodic working meetings with the thesis advisor(s) (min. 2 meetings/semester), activities credited according to Annex 1 of RIOF and the defense of TERM PAPER no. 1 before the advisement and academic integrity committee.
c) COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES (type C) - through which knowledge and scientific research skills are acquired aiming at broadening the field of knowledge, experimentation, dissemination and collaboration with other researchers according to Annex 1 of these Regulations.
(3) Term Paper no. 1 aims to detail the scientific research project that the doctoral student intends to carry out, based on in-depth documentation on the issues of the doctoral thesis. In this first term paper, the doctoral student must demonstrate mastery of the thesis subject and the research structure, namely the characterization of the state of knowledge in the chosen research field, the identification of existing specialized literature and annotated bibliography, the establishment of research stages, methods and modalities in relation to analogous experiences in the world, the systematization of information;
(4) Term Paper no. 1 is defended and evaluated before the advisement and academic integrity committee at the end of the 1st year, no later than September 30.
(5) The method of choosing, by the 1st year doctoral students, the elective and optional courses included in the curricula of the doctoral study programs within IOSUD-UAUIM is detailed in the REGULATION CONCERNING ELECTIVE AND OPTIONAL COURSES WITHIN THE DOCTORAL SCHOOLS OF UAUIM.
(6) The participation of doctoral students in the mandatory courses, as well as in a minimum number of elective and optional courses, related to the training program based on advanced university studies according to the curriculum is mandatory.
(7) The minimum attendance requirement for obtaining credits related to the courses will be established by the course holders and will be brought to the attention of doctoral students at the beginning of each semester, verbally and through the relevant details in the course sheet published on the university website.
(8) The records of doctoral students' attendance at courses are the responsibility of the course holders and will be sent to the secretariat at the end of each semester, by completing the doctoral student attendance form, together with the transmission of the catalogs including the assignment of credits.
(9) The accumulated and outstanding credits are centralized for each doctoral student at the end of each academic year by the secretariat and are published on the website in the section of the respective doctoral school under the protection of anonymity.
(10) In the event of non-compliance with the conditions regarding the minimum mandatory attendance, the doctoral student will not have the respective credits recorded in the annual report. The credits of a course cannot be fragmented.
(11) In case of failure to pass a mandatory course, the doctoral student will retake that course in a subsequent academic year, but no later than the 3rd year.
(12) In case of failure to accumulate the minimum number of required credits from the elective specialized courses proposed for the 1st year, the doctoral student will recover the outstanding credits in a subsequent academic year, but no later than the 3rd year. To this end, the student will redo the procedure for expressing his/her option for any of the elective specialized courses proposed, at the beginning of the academic year in which he/she will retake the course.
(13) Attending a course not passed in the 1st year in a higher year is considered arrears, and retaking the activity involves the payment of a fee equal to the value of a credit in the respective academic year (according to the decision of the Senate) multiplied by the number of outstanding credits.
(14) Failure to pass a term paper in the current year in which the doctoral student is enrolled entails the non-awarding of the respective credits (15 ECTS), and it is mandatory to pass the paper in the following year as arrears, with the payment of the related credits.
(15) Students who present medical documents certifying cases of serious illness (surgical interventions, hospitalization involving an absence of more than 21 calendar days, etc.), presented within a maximum of 7 working days from the end of the exemption period, endorsed by the UAUIM Medical Office, as well as students temporarily summoned for performance sports activities or who participate in scientific and cultural events as representatives of the UAUIM, to the extent that the respective special situations coincided with periods of carrying out one or more activities within the training program based on advanced university studies, leading to the non-admission of that activity(ies), may benefit from the exemption from paying the fees for retaking those activities; The fee exemption is granted by the University Board of Directors, at the proposal of the CSUD, based on the application and supporting documents submitted by the student.
Article 13. Individual scientific research program
(1) The individual scientific research program is included in the time interval of years 2, 3 and 4 of the doctoral training period and has as its main objective the development by the doctoral student of the doctoral thesis, by demonstrating the skills and autonomy in scientific research in the chosen field and topic, mastering the necessary methodological and operational tools.
(2) Within IOSUD-UAUIM, the individual scientific research program is structured as follows:
a) Year 2 of the doctoral training period (60 ECTS) comprising:
- advised individual research activities;
- complementary activities – as appropriate.
- development and defense before the advisement and academic integrity committee and the doctoral advisor of Term Paper No. 2, intended to attest to the progress of the thesis and to support the scientific path of the doctoral student. Term Paper No. 2 is defended and evaluated before the advisement and academic integrity committee, at the end of year 1, no later than September 30.
- activities for publishing/dissemination of research results;
b) Year 3 of the doctoral training period (60 ECTS) comprising:
- advised individual research activities;
- integrative activities – as appropriate;
- development and defense before the advisement and academic integrity committee and the doctoral advisor of Term Paper No. 3, intended to attest to the progress of the thesis and to support the scientific path of the doctoral student. Term Paper No. 3 is defended and evaluated before the advisement and academic integrity committee, at the end of year 1, no later than September 30.
- activities for publishing/dissemination of research results;
c) Year 4 of the doctoral training period (60 ECTS) is intended for the completion and writing of the doctoral thesis, including advised individual research activities and complementary activities (as appropriate). Year 4 is concluded with the preliminary defense of the thesis before the advisement and academic integrity committee, followed by the public defense of the doctoral thesis, detailed in the following chapter (Completion of the study program).
(3) All doctoral students are required to have, during the years of study within the doctoral program, a minimum frequency of 4 meetings per academic year (2 per semester), with the doctoral advisor, in order to present the status of the research and obtain feedback.
(4) All 3 scientific research papers (from years 1, 2, 3) are defended before the advisement and academic integrity committee and are evaluated by it and by the doctoral advisor. The results of the paper evaluation are recorded in the Minutes of the defense and are expressed by the grade given by the committee, which can be:
▪ Grade 1 - (ADMITTED): the term paper is admitted without changes or with minor changes and additions that will be followed by the doctoral student and the doctoral advisor in the continuation of the doctoral internship;
▪ Grade 2 - (ADMITTED WITH MAJOR CHANGES): the term paper is admitted with changes related to the structure and/or content and writing. The doctoral student is obliged to re-defend the term paper with the included changes, before the advisement and academic integrity committee, within a mutually agreed deadline; the written observations of the committee members will be attached to the minutes of the defense of the term paper;
▪ Grade 3 - (REJECTED): the doctoral student is obliged to re-submit the term paper with the changes included, before the advisement and academic integrity committee, within 90 days; the written observations of the committee members and the motivation for the rejection will be attached to the minutes of the term paper submission.
(5) In the case of rejection of a term paper, if the grade "Rejected" is obtained again upon its second presentation before the advisement and academic integrity committee, the doctoral student is expelled from the doctoral study cycle.
(6) Throughout the scientific research program, the doctoral student is encouraged to publish articles, scientific communications in UAUIM periodicals, in other specialized periodicals recognized by the professional environment, as well as in conference volumes, from Romania and/or abroad. These articles or communications are taken into account when fulfilling the doctoral student's tasks regarding the journalistic activity, established by the training program. After the publication of their articles or communications, doctoral students will present to their doctoral advisor the journals or volumes of the sessions in which their articles or communications appeared and will include them in the annual study reports, with links to the respective publications where possible.
(7) The advised individual research activities and integrative activities, as well as the obligations of doctoral students regarding the dissemination of their own research results, are presented in detail in Annex 1 to these Regulations.
Article 14. Activities and credits
(1) Before the start of each of the 4 years of doctoral studies, each doctoral student plans the activities that he/she is going to carry out in the academic year that begins and draws up his/her own individual annual study plan totaling 60 ECTS/year, based on his/her options in relation to the proposed activities. For this purpose, the list of credited activities presented in Annex 1 of these Regulation is used.
(2) The individual study plan is drawn up annually by each doctoral student, during September, for the following academic year, according to the model in Annex 2 – Individual study plan. The individual study plan includes the activities that the doctoral student proposes to carry out in the following academic year and is approved by the doctoral advisor. In justified cases and with the approval of the doctoral advisor, the study plan may be modified during the academic year.
(3) At the end of each academic year (September), the doctoral student prepares an Individual Study Report, according to the model in Annex 2 – Individual Study Report. The student records in this Report the activities actually carried out in the completed academic year, among those initially proposed or others, and the doctoral advisor confirms, by signature, the veracity of these activities, granting them, at the same time, the corresponding number of credits.
(4) The individual study report of the doctoral student for each completed year, approved by the doctoral advisor, is included in the doctoral student’s file, through the care of the doctoral studies secretariat.
(5) For the courses offered by the doctoral school in which the doctoral student is enrolled, the credits are granted by the course holder, in accordance with the approved annual curriculum; the course holder manages the doctoral student’s presence and participation in the course, confirming its completion by the doctoral student.
(6) For courses taken by the student at other universities, credits are granted based on a brief Explanatory Note (max. 300 words), prepared by the doctoral student and approved by the doctoral advisor, specifying: the university, the name of the course, the name of the course holder, the number of contact hours, the acquired skills and their relevance for the doctoral studies.
(7) Changing some courses from the individual study plan related to the training program based on advanced university studies can be done at the request of the doctoral student, with the approval of the doctoral advisor.
(8) Credits obtained in a research master's program, or completing previous doctoral and/or scientific research internships, carried out in the country or abroad, in prestigious universities or research and development units, which are relevant to the topic of the doctoral thesis, can be recognized and equated with those from the training program based on advanced university studies. Equivalence is requested by the doctoral student through a request endorsed by the doctoral advisor and approved by the Doctoral School Council.
Article 15. Promotion conditions
(1) The promotion of a course is conditioned by the presence and participation of the doctoral student in that course in a proportion established by each course holder and by the teaching/presentation of practical works/essays/exercises along the way established by him.
(2) The promotion of a year of doctoral studies requires the accumulation of 60 ECTS / academic year which are presented in detail in the Individual Study Report of the doctoral student (Annex 2), approved by the doctoral advisor and sent to the doctoral school secretariat - both in physical and electronic format, with links to the publications made or participations in conferences, symposia, etc.
(3) The accumulated credits are non-perishable. In the event that a student accumulates more than 60 ECTS in an academic year, the excess credits are carried over to the following academic year.
(4) Outstanding credits (both from courses and from other activities or term papers) must be recovered by the end of year 3, year 4 being entirely dedicated to completing the research and writing the doctoral thesis.
(5) Recovery of outstanding credits from the failure to promote some courses and/or papers is made based on a request addressed to the doctoral studies secretariat and the payment of a fee established annually by the University Senate, at the proposal of CSUD and with the approval of the board of directors.
(6) Submission of the thesis for public defense is conditional on the accumulation of at least 200 ECTS credits out of the total of 240 ECTS, 40 ETCS representing the final defense of the doctoral thesis.
(7) The doctoral student who has accumulated 200 ECTS credits by fulfilling all obligations related to the doctoral study program, except for the final defense of the thesis, is no longer enrolled in the following academic year and no longer signs a doctoral study contract with IOSUD-UAUIM.
Article 16. Doctoral defense committee
(1) Doctoral studies are completed by defending the doctoral thesis in a public session before the doctoral thesis public defense committee, hereinafter referred to as the doctoral defense committee.
(2) The composition of the doctoral defense committee is proposed by the doctoral advisor, endorsed by the doctoral school council and approved by CSUD. The doctoral defense committee is composed of at least 5 members:
- the president, as a representative of IOSUD,
- the doctoral advisor, acting as official referee,
- at least 3 referees from the country or abroad, specialists in the field in which the doctoral thesis was developed, of which at least 2 work outside IOSUD -UAUIM.
(3) The members of the doctoral defense committee have a doctorate degree and have at least the teaching position of associate professor or scientific researcher level II, or have the quality of doctoral advisor, in the country or abroad in the field in which the doctoral research was carried out - architecture/urban planning - or in fields related to these, proving, through the experience recorded in the CV, the connections with the topic of the doctoral thesis to be defended.
(4) The committee is appointed by decision of the rector, as head of IOSUD.
(5) The members of the doctoral defense committees (official referees), both those from UAUIM and those outside UAUIM will be remunerated with the equivalent of 10 conventional hours/doctoral thesis, according to the address of the Ministry of National Education and Science no. 25500/27.01.1998. The confirmation of the activity will be made by the secretariat for doctoral studies based on the minutes of the thesis defense, signed by the doctoral advisor and the members of the doctoral defense committee.
(6) For the remuneration of the members of the doctoral committee defense coming from abroad, the Doctoral School will submit to the payroll office, approximately 45 days before the thesis defense, a report indicating the persons who are part of the committee and the date of the thesis defense.
Article 17. Prerequisites for defending the doctoral thesis
(1) The doctoral thesis is an original work, and it is mandatory to mention the source for any material taken.
(2) The doctoral thesis is a public document, the name and surname of the doctoral thesis holder, of the doctoral advisor and of the members of the advisement and academic integrity committee, as well as the identification data of IOSUD being also public information that is posted on the UAUIM website.
(3) The doctoral student is the author of the doctoral thesis and assumes the correctness of the data and information presented in the thesis, as well as the authorship of the opinions and demonstrations expressed in its content.
(4) The title of the doctoral thesis may be modified with the approval of the doctoral advisor until its completion for public defense.
(5) The doctoral thesis may receive the approval of the doctoral advisor to be defended before the doctoral defense committee provided that the doctoral student has fulfilled all obligations regarding the completion of the doctoral university study program, according to the study contract signed between the parties, including subsequent addenda. The final status of the doctoral student regarding all obligations arising from the study contract (payment of fees, promotion of annual credits, submission of research reports, publications and conferences, teaching hours - as appropriate) and from the completion of the study program is provided by the doctoral studies secretariat;
(6) IOSUD, through the doctoral school, is obliged, before the public defense of the doctoral thesis, to verify the doctoral thesis by means of a computer program for detecting similarities. The results of the analysis will be made available to the doctoral student, the doctoral advisor and the doctoral defense committee.
Article 18. The process of preliminary presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis
(1) In order to start the process of preliminary presentation and final defense of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral advisor, together with the advisement and academic integrity committee, take into account the following aspects:
a) the doctoral student has fulfilled all obligations regarding the completion of the doctoral university study program during the years of study, according to the data provided by the doctoral studies secretariat;
b) the content of the doctoral thesis has been established by the doctoral student in consultation with the doctoral advisor and complies with the framework structure recommended by IOSUD-UAUIM;
c) the thesis meets the quality criteria specified in ANNEX 3 of these Regulation, as well as in the Guide for the preparation and writing of doctoral theses within IOSUD-UAUIM, located on the institution's website.
d) the thesis complies with the standards of ethics and deontology applicable during doctoral studies, contained in the University Charter of UAUIM and in the Code of University Ethics and Deontology of UAUIM.
e) the doctoral student meets the Minimum National Standards for the Award of the Doctoral Degree established by OMEN 5110/2018, Annex 33 - Architecture and Urbanism.
(2) The public defense can only take place after completing the following stages:
a) The doctoral thesis is preliminarily defended to the advisement and academic integrity committee; the preliminary presentation is public; The thesis is evaluated by the committee and the doctoral advisor, and the results of the evaluation are recorded in the Minutes of the preliminary presentation of the thesis and are expressed by the grade given by the committee, which can be:
▪ Grade 1 - (ADMITTED): the thesis in its preliminary form is admitted without changes or with minor changes and additions that will be followed by the doctoral student and the doctoral advisor until the final defense;
▪ Grade 2 - (ADMITTED WITH MAJOR CHANGES): the thesis in its preliminary form is admitted with major changes; the doctoral student is obliged to re-defend it again, integrating the recommended changes, within a mutually agreed deadline; the written observations of the committee members will be attached to the minutes of the preliminary presentation;
▪ Grade 3 - (REJECTED): the doctoral student is obliged to re-present the thesis in preliminary form with the changes included, before the guidance committee, within 90 days; the written observations of the committee members and the motivation for the rejection will be attached to the minutes of the thesis presentation. In the case of rejection of the thesis in preliminary form, if the second presentation before the advisement and academic integrity committee also results in the grade “Rejected”, the doctoral student is expelled from the doctoral university studies cycle.
b) After this preliminary presentation, in the case of obtaining the grade “admitted”, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee and the results of the analysis of the similarity report, the doctoral advisor decides on the official submission of the thesis and the organization of the final public defense;
c) The doctoral student submits the doctoral thesis in electronic format to the doctoral school secretariat, together with the summary of the doctoral thesis in Romanian and in an internationally spoken language (each having between 8000 – 9000 words without the list of references) and the declaration on his/her own responsibility regarding the originality of the doctoral thesis;
d) The doctoral school, through the doctoral studies secretariat, performs the similarity analysis using a program recognized by CNATDCU (; the doctoral school may additionally use another program to identify similarities, the similarity reports being included in the doctoral file;
e) The analysis and interpretation of the results of the similarity report are carried out by both the advisement and academic integrity committee and the doctoral advisor before the official submission of the doctoral thesis;
f) In the event that the similarity report indicates the need to make changes to the doctoral thesis, the student and the doctoral advisor are officially notified by the doctoral school. After the elements reported are remedied, the steps from letters c) and d are resumed;
g) The acceptance report of the doctoral advisor and the agreement of the committee members are included in the "doctoral file"; the doctoral thesis is officially submitted to the doctoral school secretariat, in printed and electronic format, accompanied by the results of the analysis of the similarity report carried out by the designated person(s), the summary of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral student's CV and the estimated date for the public defense; the doctoral school secretariat certifies that the doctoral student has fulfilled all the obligations within the doctoral university study program;
h) Before the public defense, the doctoral thesis and its annexes will be available for public consultation for 90 calendar days, on the national platform managed by the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), in accordance with the legal provisions in force in the field of copyright;
i) During the period in which the thesis is public on the national platform, any natural or legal person may make observations regarding the existence of deviations from the standards of ethics and deontology, including from the perspective of the existence of plagiarism. Observations can be submitted online, to an e-mail address provided by the doctoral school, or to the IOSUD registry. The observations are recorded in a report prepared by the doctoral school, which will be sent to CSUD for analysis and decision in order to validate the initiation of the procedure for the public defense of the doctoral thesis and will be part of the doctoral file;
j) If the CSUD decision is for validation, the procedure for the public defense of the doctoral thesis is initiated by establishing the doctoral defense committee;
k) If the CSUD invalidates the initiation of the procedure for the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral school receives recommendations regarding the rewriting of the doctoral thesis and the elimination of situations that do not comply with the standards of ethics and deontology, and the doctoral student is obliged to remedy the content of the thesis within 3 months from the communication of the decision to invalidate the defense, with the resumption of the procedure for making the work transparent.
(3) The request for setting the date of the public defense of the doctoral thesis is formulated by the doctoral student, endorsed by the doctoral advisor and the president of the doctoral defense committee. The request is registered with the doctoral school secretariat at least 25 calendar days before the proposed date for the defense. The proposed date for the defense cannot be earlier than the previously estimated date for the public defense.
(4) The doctoral school prepares and posts the announcement for the public defense at least 20 calendar days before the proposed date for the defense. This will necessarily include the place, date and time of the defense, the doctoral advisor(s), as well as the place where the full text of the thesis can be consulted in printed format. The announcement of the public defense, the thesis summary in electronic format, the scientific memorandum, the doctoral student's CV, the CVs of the members of the public defense committee of the doctoral thesis or links to them are published on the IOSUD website.
(5) Official referees are required to submit their reports at least 15 days before the thesis defense. The doctoral thesis defense may take place in the presence of at least 4 members of the doctoral defense committee, with the mandatory physical participation of the committee chair and the doctoral advisor, the other members of the committee being able to participate via online videoconference. The public defense must include a question and answer session from the members of the doctoral defense committee and the public.
(6) Based on the public defense of the doctoral thesis, the referees' reports, the statement on the originality of the work and the analysis of the degree of similarity, the doctoral defense committee evaluates and deliberates on the award of the doctoral diploma and the corresponding grade, according to the quality criteria established by IOSUD-UAUIM for the public defense of doctoral theses (see Annex 3 to these Regulations);
(7) In case of failure to meet the conditions for the award of the doctoral degree, the doctoral defense committee will specify the elements that are to be redone or completed in the doctoral thesis and will request a new public defense of the thesis. The second public defense of the thesis takes place before the same doctoral defense committee as in the case of the first defense. If the minimum standards are not met even at the second public defense, the doctoral degree will not be awarded, and the doctoral student will be expelled.
(8) If the doctoral student has met all the requirements set out in the scientific research program, as well as the minimum standards related to the field, and the thesis meets the quality criteria established by IOSUD-UAUIM, the doctoral defense committee proposes the award of the doctoral degree. This proposal is submitted to CNATDCU together with the doctoral file, within a maximum of 30 calendar days.
(9) The structure of the doctoral file and access to it will comply with the procedure developed by CNATDCU and approved by order of the Minister of Education, in compliance with the legislation in force.
(10) Within 90 calendar days from the receipt of the doctoral file, CNATDCU issues a positive opinion regarding compliance with the administrative procedure carried out at the IOSUD level and compliance with the minimum criteria for granting the doctoral degree. The administrative procedure includes as a distinct step the verification of the declaration regarding the originality of the work and the analysis of the reports regarding the degree of similarity.
(11) Within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the positive opinion, IOSUD-UAUIM will issue the decision to grant the doctoral degree, signed by the rector, and will draw up and issue the doctoral degree.
(12) If CNATDCU decides that the administrative procedure carried out at the IOSUD level did not comply with the legal provisions, the doctoral file will be sent back to IOSUD to be re-analyzed and completed. It can be retransmitted to CNATDCU for a new analysis, only after resuming the procedures provided for in paragraphs (1) - (6).
(13) After the issuance of the doctoral diploma, the doctoral thesis, in digital and printed format, is archived at the library of the higher education institution, with a permanent term.
(14) If the doctoral student does not opt for the distinct publication of the thesis or some chapters thereof, the digital form of the thesis remains public and can be freely accessed on the national platform managed by UEFISCDI, including after the issuance of the decision to grant the doctoral diploma. The thesis will be assigned a copyright protection license.
(15) If the doctoral student opts for the distinct publication of the doctoral thesis or some chapters thereof, he receives a grace period of maximum 24 months to achieve this publication, during which time the doctoral thesis, in digital format, becomes inaccessible to the public. After the grace period has expired, if no notification regarding the separate publication of the thesis has been uploaded to the platform managed by UEFISCDI, the document in digital format automatically becomes freely accessible, with the assignment of a copyright protection license.
(16) After the publication of the thesis or some chapters thereof, the author is obliged to notify IOSUD of this fact and to send the bibliographic indication and a link to the publication, which will then be made public on the national platform managed by UEFISCDI.
(17) After issuing the decision to grant the doctoral degree, within a maximum period of 180 days, IOSUD is obliged to send to the National Library of Romania a printed copy of the doctoral thesis and its annexes, according to Law no. 111/1995 on the Legal Deposit of Documents, republished, a copy intended for the Intangible Fund, as well as a digital copy thereof, on electronic support, intended for consultation upon request, at the headquarters of the National Library of Romania, by any interested person, in compliance with the legal regulations in force.
Article 19. General provisions
(1) Within IOSUD-UAUIM, all forms of intellectual fraud are prohibited: plagiarism/self-plagiarism (both as text and as image), copying during exams or competitions, counterfeiting of doctoral research results or data, substitution of works and/or the identity of the persons examined, deception and facilitation of deception, attempts at fraud and corruption for the purpose of fraud, as well as taking over works of any kind resulting from teaching activity and becoming the intellectual property of UAUIM, exercised together with students/trainees.
(2) In the spirit of the UAUIM University Charter, all members of the university community of doctoral schools are prohibited from: demanding or accepting gifts, material benefits, favors of any kind, practicing favoritism, nepotism, acts of persecution, making biased decisions, discriminatory application of evaluation standards, including when people in various degrees of kinship or personal relationships are involved that influence academic objectivity and conduct.
(4) University ethics within IOSUD -UAUIM implies:
a. assuming all obligations resulting from the status, professional position, administrative function, professional and scientific competence and authority;
b. respecting the legally established norms governing university activity;
c. demonstrating solidarity, diligence, fairness and loyalty, dignity, conscience, moderation, tact, moral behavior that ensures an unblemished reputation.
Basic training activities - type A
There are activities that underpin doctoral studies from 2 points of view:
a) the acquisition of elements of method and communication/dissemination in the field of scientific research
These include courses on the organization of research, general and specific research methods for architecture and urbanism, courses on the rules for writing a scientific text, courses on ethics and academic integrity, argumentation and written/oral dissemination of a scientific text. It is recommended to attend the mandatory courses in this category offered by UAUIM according to the curricula of doctoral schools. Where appropriate, doctoral students may also opt for courses offered by other universities, identified through personal effort and agreed by the doctoral advisor, in addition to those proposed by the UAUIM curriculum.
b) acquiring/completing the necessary knowledge in the chosen thematic area
The activities aim to gain knowledge/deepening the cultural and operational scenarios specific to the chosen doctoral field (architecture/urban planning) and, in particular, those within which the research topic of each doctoral student falls, the state of knowledge in the field and ongoing research, nationally and internationally. To this end, doctoral students will participate in mandatory and elective specialized courses, according to the curricula of the doctoral schools. Where appropriate, doctoral students may also opt for courses offered by other universities, identified through personal effort and agreed by the doctoral advisor.
Guided individual research activities - type B
These are activities aimed at training doctoral students for research, in parallel with the development of their own thesis, under the guidance of the doctoral advisor. This includes:
- personal research activities with reference to one's own doctorate: bibliographic, field, experimental research, etc. – depending on the specifics of the doctorate;
- research activities (including project-based) in an institutional framework (UAUIM or other public or private institutions in the country), within institutionally developed projects or research internships (Erasmus+ type) in institutions abroad – where the doctoral student develops aspects relevant to his/her thesis;
- dissemination activities of one's own research results (publications, scientific communications with own presentation);
- activities aimed at acquiring knowledge and organizational and communication skills specific to a researcher: how to prepare an application for funding a research project, how to organize a seminar, how to moderate a seminar, etc.
- activities of publishing articles, based on doctoral research, in scientific journals in the field of the thesis.
Complementary activities – type C – through which scientific research knowledge and skills are acquired aiming at broadening the field of knowledge, experimentation, dissemination and collaboration with other researchers or practitioners. These activities can be:
- internships in public and private institutions (public administration, private companies, etc.) without a research profile, where the doctoral student can gain practical experience in particular aspects, useful in developing the thesis;
- complementary courses in fields collateral to the thesis field, but which indirectly support the development of the thesis (audit, psychology, management, programming, etc. courses or even a foreign language, to the extent that it is necessary for studying an essential bibliography for the thesis);
- participation as an auditor in specialized scientific meetings (congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops) where the doctoral student can enrich his knowledge base useful for developing his thesis even if he does not present a communication;
- contributions to teaching activities in the doctoral profile, as a way to practice the ability to communicate/apply personal research results.