Exhibition: “AI, Architecture and Design”

July 2-22, 2024, OAR Bucharest, Sf. Constantin 32

July 2, 2024

Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of the major challenges of this beginning of the millennium. As in the case of any revolution in thinking, the new model is received, by most, with fear and reluctance, drawing attention to the fact that AI can become a danger to the current configuration of human society. However, there are also those voices who argue that AI can become a formidable tool in the service of human creativity, once those control levers are found to correctly make the transfer from human thinking to the digital tool.

The present exhibition, organized in the headquarters of the Romanian Order of Architects - Bucharest Branch, was started from an experiment based on an international collaboration: the 1st Workshop AI in Architecture, an initiative of the Higher Technical School of Architecture from Barcelona (Department of Architectural Representation), in which the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism from Bucharest participated, along with three other invited schools of architecture from Mexico (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Azcapotzalco, Universidad de Guadalajara, Tecnologico de Monterrey).

The curatorial team of the exhibition is composed of the tutors from the UAUIM, participants in the 1st Workshop AI in Architecture, an event held online in February-March 2024. In addition to the projects carried out at the workshop, which had as their theme the remodeling of the former thermal power plant in Badalona/Sant Adrià de Besòs and the animations made in AI that present the vision of the 10 mixed teams of students, the exhibition also contains the results of the "Videomapping and Heritage" workshop, held in April 2024 on the Greco-Roman archaeological site in Empuries, Costa Brava, which was attended by 9 students and 3 teaching staff from UAUIM, as well as models and projects related to the generation of AI and the media interpretation of the architectural space made by students of the II year of the Furniture Section at the Faculty of Interior Architecture and the V year of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”.

Through innovation, creativity and openness to the new, the exhibition aims to be an essay on the future of architecture and design, read in a parametric, digital key, but without detracting from the content and intrinsic value of architectural creation.

The exhibition will be open until July 22, 2024.

Codina Dușoiu