Jason Roberts (USA) Conference

March 10, 2025

We invite you on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 5 pm, in Sala Frescelor of UAUIM, to the conference of Jason Roberts (USA)

The conference will be held in English and will last 45 minutes.

Jason Roberts is an Urban Designer, Restaurateur, and former US Congressional nominee. In 2006, Jason formed the non-profit organization, Oak Cliff Transit Authority, to revive the Dallas streetcar system, and later spearheaded the city's effort in garnering a $23 Million dollar grant from the federal government to help reintroduce a modern streetcar system to Dallas. In 2010, Jason organized a series of "Better Block" projects, taking blighted blocks with vacant properties in Dallas and converting them into temporary walkable districts with pop-up businesses, bike lanes, cafe seating, and landscaping. The project has become an open-sourced international movement occurring everywhere from Melbourne, Australia to Tehran, Iran. Jason has received a Champions of Change award from the US White House, and showcased in the US Pavilion of the 2012 Venice Biennale. Jason currently lives in Dallas where he owns and operates Oddfellows Bistro, Revelers Hall, Jaquval Brewery, Trades Delicatessen, and Frenchmen All Day (in New Orleans).