Our selection process for the Kikinda summer school is as of today officially launched: https://triplex-confinium.eu/kikinda-2022/.
The summer school is open to any student actively studying in any of the partner Universities and Faculties. Each partner institution will participate with 4 students. It is recommended that the students that participated in LTT1- Jimbolia return for the closing LTT2 in Kikinda.
A scholarship is provided for each of the selected students (maximum 28 in total, 4 from each University). Considering the distance between the schools and Kikinda, the total amount of the scholarship is the following:
- 832 euro for FAUT and UNS
- 932 euro for BME, DEB, SUSKO, UBB and UAUIM
Summer school admission procedure
In order to be admitted to the Summer School and receive the scholarship, students have to follow the following steps:
- Make sure they are an active student in one of the partner Universities/Faculties.
- Fill-in the registration form on https://triplex-confinium.eu/kikinda-2022/ until the 20th of March, 2022.
In order to select the 4 students that will participate in the summer school, each partner will evaluate its own students and will communicate the selection to all applicant students until the 21st of March. The final list of participating students will be published on the Triplex Confinium website on the 23th of September 2022.
In the evaluation process, each partner will grade each application with maximum 100 points, considering the following criteria:
- Previous participation in the Triplex Confinium’s LTT1 (max 20 points)
- Motivation (max 40 points)
- Background (max 40 points)
Read more on the topic of our summer school, location, and program at https://triplex-confinium.eu/kikinda-2022/.