We have the pleasure to announce the event Itinerary, Identity and Rehabilitation of Medieval Architectural Heritage in Transylvania - Summer school taking place between August 24 - September 7 within the Center of Studies for Vernacular Architecture in Dealu Frumos (district of Sibiu) and in Hațeg, Romania. The event is open to German students from architecture schools all over Germany and to students from the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism.
12 places available for German students (DAAD scholarships for the event available in basis of partnership with the IMAU). Applicants should present:
- the completed application form (with signature, in pdf or jpg format):
formular de inscriere 2012.doc - a brief letter of intention
- a short CV pointing out relevant activities, interests and outstanding accomplishments
- a personal project (presented in pdf or jpg format)
Contact for registration:
- IMUAU: Elena-Codina Dusoiu, imuau_relations@yahoo.com, tel.: 0040-21-3077113
- DAAD: Mrs. Irina Petzold-Turcanu, info@daad.ro, tel.: 0040-21-3101540