Vladimir Vinea photo
Lect. PhD. Arch. Vladimir VINEA
Vice Dean
Assoc.Prof. Phd. Arch. Mihaela PELTEACU
Vice Dean
Lect. PhD. Arch. Bogdan GUIU
External relations
Lect. PhD. Arch. Horia DINULESCU

The current configuration of academic training in architecture is the result of the reform based on the romanian tradition in architectural education, contemporary informations and influences, as well as on the collaboration with the professional international bodies (UIA, UNESCO, EAAE, ACE) and european schools of architecture.

As a conclusion of the periodical evaluations started in 1998, RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) has consistently validated the Diploma of Architect awarded by the School of Architecture of the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, allowing the graduates to be exempted from the RIBA examinations Part One and Part Two in view of the registration in ARB (Architects Registration Board) for the professional practice in UK.
Since September 2008, the Diploma of Architect awarded by the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism after the successful the completion of the six years of full-time studies in Architecture, is recognized for free movement and professional practice in the member states of EU, in the base of the Directive 2005/36/EC (2013/55/EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the recognition of professional qualifications.

UAUIM School of Architecture.pps (11 MB)

Degree Programmes

Architecture (Romanian taught) – 6 years of full-time study, 360 ECTS / qualification level 7 EQF (Master)

Architecture (English taught) – 6 years of full-time study, 360 ECTS / qualification level 7 EQF (Master)
See https://architecture.uauim.ro/ →

Architectural Conservation and Restoration (Romanian taught) – 3 years of full-time study, 180 ECTS / qualification level 6 EQF (Bachelor)

