Architectural Conservation and Restoration

3 years of full-time study, 180 ECTS / qualification level 6 EQF (Bachelor), Romanian taught

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Since 2007, the UAUIM Faculty of Architecture includes the Bachelor’s degree programme “Architectural Conservation and Restoration”, which functions mainly in a historical monument building in the centre of Sibiu, a prominent Transylvanian city.

The study programme provides a general architectural formation at the Bachelor’s degree level, insisting on built heritage as the depository of time-validated cultural values and renewable resources.

The teaching and tutoring activity is provided both by full-time staff from UAUIM Bucharest and by associate staff from Sibiu. The educational process includes constant collaboration with other similar schools, as well as with various institutions specialized in architectural conservation and restoration, both from Romania and from abroad.

The students enrolled in this Sibiu-based programme may study abroad through the Erasmus mobility programme, under the same conditions as all other UAUIM students.

After fulfilling their coursework requirements, students are awarded a diploma which attests they have acquired basic competences and abilities in the field of architecture and particularly in the field of architectural conservation and restoration. They are thus prepared for a wide variety of options. Graduates of this programme may work in architecture firms, in the local and central administration, in construction site management, and other places where their architectural heritage expertise is an advantage. They may also continue their education at a Master’s level in the same field or in related fields, at the UAUIM (the Faculty of Urbanism) or at other universities in Romania and abroad. The 2017 and subsequent graduates with a Bachelor Degree awarded by the Architectural Conservation and Restoration course in Sibiu will be enrolled, on request and without admission test, to the School of Architecture in Bucharest in the third year of studies. In parallel with the continuation of the studies, they will have to pass the examinations related to the curricula differences, indicated by the Commission for Credits Equivalation and Transfer.

