CP-44 Multi-criteria Analysis of Urban Tissue

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
2nd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-C CP-44 Analiza multicriteriala a tesutului urban.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh. Liliana Cazacu
Learning outcomes:
Familiarize students with urban tissue multi-criteria analysis methods as a preliminary stage of architectural and urban projects intervention, in order to understand the evolution and characteristics of the protected built areas, ensuring the coherent development through the conservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage.
1. Principles of intervention in historical protected areas.
2. Issues, content and motivation of the multi-criteria analysis previously stage of interventions into a build protected area.
3. Multi-criteria analysis as a research tool of the components, characteristics and urban tissue evolution.
4. Analysis, evaluation and built interventions regulation - stages of the urban tissue research.
5. Features of the urban tissue research (studies case):
a - characteristics of the building locations on the parcel;
b - cartographical research as an analysis method for the evaluation of the urban tissue specific elements;
c - the archaeological research importance for the evaluation of the historical urban tissue and for the built interventions regulations.
6. Criteria for analysis and evaluation of specific elements into historical protected areas (urban / natural tissue).
7. Drafting techniques of the research data.

Stages of practical work (multi-criteria analysis application method to identifying the cultural values into a historical protected area)

1. Establishing of the mapping data analysis (criteria, categories, grades, evaluation);
2. The mapping data structure (records, tables, etc.);
3. Identifying the characteristics of the different types of protected areas (site visit);
4. Developing of the research synthesis;
5. Defining attitude towards the study area;
6. Regulatory ways to achieve to the coherent development, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage;
7. Presentation of the research work and built proposals interventions.
Teaching Method:
- lectures with presentation of images (photos, plans etc.);
- site visits (historic center of Sibiu);
- discussion paper to guide
- during the semester (discussion on the issues raised);
- development and support (oral presentation) practical work.
Historical and current plans and guides the city of Sibiu, publications, articles and unpublished studies;
Legea nr. 5 din 6 martie 2000 privind aprobarea Planului de amenajare a teritoriului național - Secțiunea a III-a - zone protejate, publicată în M.Of. nr. 152- 04/12/2000
Legea nr. 422 din 18/07/2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice, cu modificările ulterioare, republicată in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 938 din 20/11/2001
Legea nr. 350/2001 privind amenajarea teritoriului si urbanismul, publicata in Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 373 din 10 iulie 2001, cu modificările și completările ulterioare
Venice Charter 1964
Washington Charter 1987
16th General Assembly of ICOMOS - Québec 2008
36th UNESCO General Assembly (November 2011) recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape
Ordinul Ministrului Transporturilor, construcțiilor și turismului nr. 562/2003 pentru aprobarea reglementării tehnice “Metodologie de elaborare și conținutul cadru al documentațiilor de urbanism pentru zone protejate (PUZ)”, publicat în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 125 bis din 11 februarie 2004
Vienna Memorandum on “World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture”
The topography of Transylvanian monuments. The city of Sibiu, 5.1.1., A. Avram and I. Bucur, 1999