- Fișa disciplinei:
- FI-D IT-57 Istoria arhitecturii moderne si contemporane.pdf
- Department:
- History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
- Course Leader:
- conf.dr.arh. Radu Ponta
- Learning outcomes:
- Understanding the significance of architectural evolution during the studied period in relation to contemporary architectural practices and the built heritage of the 20th century.
By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
Explain the main vectors driving the evolution of modern architecture toward contemporary practice.
Describe architectural vocabulary elements and compositional principles of buildings and ensembles from the studied period.
Apply the acquired knowledge to concisely formulate relevant ideas using specialized terminology.
Analyze architectural objects and ensembles from the studied period within their social, political, economic, artistic, and cultural contexts.
- Content:
- Introduction. Preconditions – 19th Century
America. The High-Rise Office Building. Prairie Houses and European Reflections of British and American Domesticity
The Year 1900. France, Belgium, Spain, Scotland, Austria, and Germany
Futurism. The Manifesto and the Ideal Project
De Stijl. The Limits of Abstraction in Architecture
Le Corbusier and the Paris Scene of the 1920s
Constructivism. The Spatial Arts for a New Society
Bauhaus. Pedagogy and Experimentation
Die Neue Sachlichkeit. Internationalization and the Founding of CIAM
Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union in the 1930s
Architecture During World War II
Monumentality and "As Found"
Exceptions – Team 10 and Berlin
Postmodernism in Europe and America
Contemporary Architectural Maps. Between Formal Searches and Professional Ethics
- Teaching Method:
- Lectures with illustrations, text analysis, image analysis, discussions, commentaries and commented questions
- Assessment:
- Written Exam
- Bibliography:
- Reading list
Main references:
General histories, critical histories
Curtis, William J. R., Modern Architecture Since 1900, Phaidon, 1982
Frampton, Kenneth, Modern Architecture, A Critical History, Thames & Hudson, 1981
Heynen, Hilde, Architecture and modernity: a critique, MIT Press, 1999
Colquhoun, Alan, Modern architecture, Oxford University Press, 2002
Mallgrave, Harry Francis, Modern Architectural Theory. A Historical Survey, 1673–1968, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Guillén, Mauro F., The Taylorized beauty of the mechanical: scientific management and the rise of modernist architecture, Princeton University Press, 2006
Cohen, Jean-Louis, The Future of Architecture. Since 1889, Phaidon, 2012
Collins, Peter, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture, 1750-1950, 1965
Banham, Reyner, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 1960
Tournikiotis, Panayotis, The Historiography of Modern Architecture, MIT Press, 1999
Vidler, Anthony, Histories of the Immediate Present. Inventing Architectural Modernism, MIT Press, 2008
Dated Histories
Kaufmann, Emil, Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier. Ursprung und Entwicklung der autonomen Architektur, 1933
Giedion, Sigfried, Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, 1941
Pevsner, Nikolaus, An Outline of European Architecture, 1942
Zevi, Bruno, Storia dell’architettura moderna, 1950
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 1958
Benevolo, Leonardo, Storia dell'architettura moderna, 1960
Tafuri, Manfredo, Teorie e storia dell'architettura, 1968
Additional reading suggestions provided for each topic.