SFA-23 Virtual Modeling

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Product Design
2nd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-D SFA-23 Modelare virtuala.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Andreea Iosif
Teaching Staff:
lect.dr.arh. Mihai Chisărău
Learning outcomes:
During this course the students will learn how to handle virtual modeling and use it in their current design activity, from creating a conceptual shape through to detailing it and creating the execution and detailing drawings.
1. Introduction. Course presentation. Computer Graphics Basics
2. Rhinos. Communication with the program. Specific tools for surfaces. Specific tools for transformations and deformations
3, Autocad. Communication with the program. UCSs. Generating and editing solids.
4. Fusion 360. Interface and project management. Browser + history. Workspaces. Creating objects; parameters and functions. The plate
5. SketchUP. Interface and stage management. Coordinate systems and transformations. Generating and modifying objects. Instances.

Practical work:
1. Rhinoceros
a) temple b) chair:
a / Make a castle out of cubes, using the primitives provided by the program (box, sphere, etc.).
b / finish the chair started in class.

a) Chess horse, b) Rietveld chair,
a / finish G. Rietveld's chair
b / find a solution to shape this ashtray.

a) Famous architectural model: "John Pew House", Wisconsin.
a / Make the floor of the John Pew house yourself.
b / Propose and model a ladder for Wright's house. Staircase climbs 270cm and climbs from the ground floor to the first floor (located at choice)

4.Fusion 360
a / parametric model
b / kinematic assembly
homework: Design a piece of furniture (optional) of WxDxH size, which has at least one door and one drawer. The model can be schematic, but must be articulated on components

a) Table with chairs.
b) Column capital.
homework: Model the room you are used to working in.

Weeks 11-14 students develop seminar topics with guidance from teachers
Teaching Method:
Activity Description (Course / Seminar / Exam / Retake Exams)
The activity for the Virtual Modeling / Computer Graphics course consists of 14 hours of lectures, 14 hours of practical work (laboratory) over 7 weeks, 1-hour exam, and approximately 21 hours of individual study.

Attendance at lectures is optional.
The lectures cover the fundamental concepts of the course, provide and explain public resources (tutorials, links, exercise files), and address students' questions.
Most sessions include practice quizzes for training purposes, which do not count towards grading or attendance.
The last few sessions include consultations for specific issues, including assistance with the studio project, where applicable.
After the first session (2 hours), students are invited to attend weekly 1-hour lectures (Tuesdays 16:30-17:30, Room T2).
Laboratory Work
Except for the first session, practical work is done under supervision but without guidance (except for technical troubleshooting).
Attendance at the laboratory is mandatory.
A missed laboratory session can be recovered at any time during the semester by joining another group, subject to availability (max. 30 seats).
Full attendance at laboratory sessions is a mandatory requirement for this course.
One laboratory session only can be made up during the retake exam period.
Each laboratory session lasts 1.5 hours and must be completed individually, using any local or online learning resources.
Headphones with a 3.5mm jack are recommended for following tutorials.
Except for the first laboratory session, each practical work is graded publicly with explanations at the end of the session (last 30 minutes).
The average grade from laboratory work accounts for 70% of the final grade.
Final Exam
The final exam consists of a questionnaire, with some questions taken from the course quizzes and others focusing on practical applications.
The exam grade accounts for 30% of the final grade.
Retake Exam
The retake exam takes place in summer for students who failed in the winter session or those seeking a grade improvement (per UAUIM regulations).
Like the first exam session, students must attend all 6 laboratory sessions, with only one allowed to be made up on the day of the retake exam.
The retake exam consists of:
A quiz (similar to the winter session).
A practical assignment that replaces the lowest laboratory grade (even if it was zero).
Individual Study Note
The optimal workload for this 2 ECTS course is 50 hours per semester, including:
29 contact hours (lectures, laboratory, and final exam).
21 hours of individual study, covering the course materials over the 14 weeks of the semester.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: The laboratory assignments cannot be completed successfully without mastering the concepts taught in the lectures.

webpage: https://stufonote.wixsite.com/cgimincu/modelare-virtuala