SFA-55 Sociology

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Product Design
3rd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
Mihaela Șchiopu
Learning outcomes:
1. Understanding design as a social phenomenon.
2. Understand the impact that human relationships have on design and vice versa.
3. Discovering the influences that social changes have on the evolution of design. Understanding design as a link or discrimination between different communities.
Courses Titles

1. What is sociology? The sociology issue in all socio-human sciences. Sociology, psycho-sociology and design.
2. Method of sociological research.
3. Culture. Cultural diversity. The hypothesis of the cultural gap. Design, art and crafts.
4. Socialization. Sociality, sociability, socialization. Lifestyle.
5. Status and role, elements of the social structure. Types of company.
6. Collective behavior. Pro social Behavior. Aggressive behavior. Advertising Psychology.
7. Social groups and organizations. Group leadership and decision making. The moral and social responsibilities of the designer.
8. Social influence. Social attitudes. Changing attitudes.
9. Stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice. Social Discrimination and Design.
10. Social memory.
11. Social control. Forms and styles of manifestation. Decision and design control.
12. Stratification and social mobility. Modern society, consumption and design implications.
13. Politics and the State. Political culture and political socialization. Design for Survival and Survival by Design.
14. Reviewing.
Teaching Method:
Interactive course.
Debate on correlated bibliography with each theme
An essay presentation on the brink of a chosen text. The critic analyses of it from learned theories perspective – 8 points. Presence - 2 points.
Activities during the course – 2 points
Sum total: 10 points
- Zamfir, Cătălin; Vlăsceanu, Lazăr coord. - Dicționar de sociologie. Editura Babel. București. 1998
- Papanek, Victor. - Design pentru lumea reala. Ecologie umana si schimbare sociala. Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1977
- Alexander, Jeffrey; Seidman, Steven - Cultura si societate. Dezbateri contemporane.
- Gheorghiu Dinu - Sociologia perceptiei artistice, Ed. Meridiane, 1991
- Duvignaud, Jean, - Sociologia artei, Ed Meridiane, 1995
- Weinschenk Susan M. , 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People, New Riders Publishing , 2011
- Norman, Donald A. - Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, 2005, Basic Books
- Buxton, Bill, Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007
Correlatives texts of each course it does distribute in the week before it.