IT-64 History of Architecture (2)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-M IT-64 Istoria arhitecturii (2).pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Criticos
Learning outcomes:
General objectives - after successfully finalizing this discipline, students will be able:
- to understand architectural history as a valuable resource of knowledge and experience for the professionals involved in shaping the human environment (architects, designers, urbanists) - imortant for the formation of a responsible attitude towards society, the historical past and the built heritage
- to understand the necessary relationship between architecture and context, form and meaning, the scale of the object and the scale of the natural and urban landscape
- analyze and critically assess the response of the architectural and urban forms to the complex requirements of the physical and cultural-historic context
- to substantiate their own interpretations, attitudes or approaches regarding issues in the field of architecture and urban design

Specific objectives - after successfully finalizing this discipline, students will be able to understand:
- the architectural phenomenon of the studied period and the determining factors of its evolution
- the process of transition from pre-modernity to modernity, which characterizes the historic period analyzed in this course
Lecture themes:
1. Introduction. The Historic Cycles. Ancient Humanism, Medieval Christianity and Christian Humanism as Synthesis. The "Medieval Renaissances".
2. The Proto-Renaissance (13th-14th centuries).
The Early Renaissance (15th century)
3. The Mature Renaissance (1500-1527)
Paradigms of the Renaissance.
4. From Renaissance to Mannerism
The Masters: Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Palladio.
5. Mannerism / Late Renaissance in Italy (1527-1600). Artistic Conception.
The Relation with Nature. The Architectural Language. The Urban Planning.
6. The Renaissance and Mannerism outside Italy: France, the Netherlands, England, Spain and Portugal, Germany, Central and Eastern Europe.
7. The Baroque(1600-1750). The Art of the Counter-Reformation. The Art of Monarchic Absolutism (the Royal Classicism).
Paradigms of the Baroque
The Rococo. The Final of the Historical Cycle.
Teaching Method:
Lectures with digital images projections

Panel presentations, case study analysis through text and image, graphic exercises, discussions, comments
Course: written exam (50% of the final grade)

Seminar (50% of the final grade)
- Presence (20% of the seminar grade)
- A short presentation of a case study by each student according to a schedule established by the tutor (40% of the seminar grade)
- A study notebook delivered at the end of the semester (40% of the seminar grade)
Titles available in electronic format :
Ching, Francis D. K.; Jarzombek, Mark M.; Prakash, Vikramaditya - A Global History of Architecture, 2017 (pdf)
Mira Dordea – Renaștere, Baroc si Rococo in arhitectura universala, 1994 (scan pdf)
John Summerson, The Classical Language of Architecture, Thames & Hudson, London, 1980 (scan pdf)
Spiro Kostof – A History of Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1995 – cap. 17, 20, 21 (scan pdf)
Vincent Scully, Architecture. The Natural and the Manmade, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1991 (scan pdf)
Mihaela Criticos - note de curs (pdf)
Minimal performance standard:
5.00 grade at the written exam
5.00 seminar grade - condition for attending the exam in the first session