PID-85 Introduction to Interior Architecture and Design

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Facultative Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
PID-85 Introducere in arhitectura de interior si design.pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:

Knowledge of the history of the chosen profession and important characters who have worked in the field
Knowledge of the legislation necessary for the practice of interior architecture
Knowledge of the variants and steps to be taken for the execution of an interior architecture project
Getting to know some manufacturers and suppliers in the market
Ability to understand and manage the limitations and possibilities of the chosen profession
The capacity to innovate through new solutions starting from the management of different possibilities of documentation and selection of sources of inspiration.
The ability to make explicit written and drawn pieces, suggestive of the completion of interior architecture projects from concept to implementation.

1. Introduction to Interior Architect and Design
Profession-general considerations
Short History – Interior Architecture
Short History - Design

2. Profession
Interior Architect in Romania
Documentation and Authorizations

3. Designing from concept to execution
Interaction with Beneficiaries
Presentations / pre-project / establishing the direction of arrangement
Required drawings/variants

4. The concept – essential in obtaining quality projects
What is the design concept and how do we determine it
Narrative arrangements/variants and examples of conceptual delays executed
The importance of sources of inspiration in choosing the concept
Variants and examples sources of inspiration
Documentation – importance and methods

5. Diploma projects
What does the diploma project mean and imply
Substantiation study / pre-diploma / diploma

6. Current trends in interior architecture and design
Green house / passive house
Smart home
Transformable furniture, biophilia, parametric architecture, bionic architecture
New technologies

7. Variants and branches in which the profession can be practiced after graduation

Teaching Method:
PowerPoint presentations
Written exam entered with no less than 50% + 1 of the number of attendances
Pile, John F. “History of interior design” Ed. ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2013
Grimley, Chris, “Color, space and style : all the details interior designers need to know but can never find”, Ed. Rockport Publishers, Inc., 200”
Cantacuzino, George Matei, “Introducere la studiul arhitecturii”, Editura Paideia 2002
Săsărman, Gheorghe, “Funcțiune, Spațiu, Arhitectură”, București: Editura Meridiane, 1979.
Pallasmaa, Juhani, “Privirea care atinge: arhitectura si simturile”, Editura Fundatiei Arhitext design, 2015
Zumthor, Peter, “Thinking Architecture”, Birkhauser, Basel, 2006
Pallasmaa, Juhani, “The Embodied Image: Imagination and Imagery in Architecture”, ed Willey &Son 8.
Coles, John,“The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture”, AVA Publishing, 2007