PID-20 Scenography

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
Silvia Ionescu
Learning outcomes:
• Knowing and assimilating the notions regarding the stage space; similarities and differences between architectural composition and scenographic composition.
• Design project of a spatial composition using specific scenographic methods.
Presentation of the course structure / Presentation of themes / Presentation of basic notions-Scenography
History of the theater (Antiquity-present)
History of theater / Theater as Space / Architecture of theaters
Technology: scene-specific mechanisms, stage lights
Finishes and equipment for theater arrangements
Scenography in Romania, Scenographic composition, Atmosphere, Costume, Costume-Scene relation, Makeup, Mask, Current trends in scenography (3d projections)
Unconventional theatrical spaces / Unconventional theater: Performance, Happening, Street theater
Film / History (classifications, with examples from silent film to 3D animations)
Film / Costume and makeup / Atmosphere, composition / Relation film scenography-architecture
Ballet, Opera, TV, Video
The relation scenography-architecture / Architects scenographers
Teaching Method:
Lectures accompanied by video projections, graphic examples, images, drawings, etc.
The exam consists of
: test and a practical application representing the creation of a scenographic composition

20% - test
80% - project
Liviu Ciulei - Film VI, nr.4/aprilie 1956-Filmul si piesa de teatru
Paul Bortnovski, Ed Fundatiei Pro 2003
Radu Penciulescu Ed UATC 1999
Enciclopedia della spettacolo, Ed Unedi , Roma 1975
On the art of the Theatre, Ed. Dobson, Londra 2004
Scenografia românească, Ed. Meridiane, 1965
Theatre Revue, Columbia University Press, NY 2006
Gary Thorne – Stage Design, Editura The Crowood Press Ltd, 1999
Pamela Haward – What in Scenography?, Editura The Crowood Press Ltd, 2008
Liviu Ciulei – Cu ganduri si cu imagini, Editura Igloo, 2009, Bucuresti
Gaston Bachelard - La Poétique de l'espace.
René Passeron - L'Expérience émotionnelle de l'espace,
Ileana Berlogea – Istoria teatrului universal
Vladimir Popov – Arhitectura cladirii destinate spectacolului teatral ;
Roann Barris – Teatrul intervalului
Marvin Carlson - Places of Performance : The Semiotics of Theatre Architecture ;
Peter Brook - The Empty Space
Revista Arta nr 5-6 /1979
Revista Arta nr 5-6 /1982
Revista Arta nr 4 /1983- spatiul scenografic