PID-72 History of Costumes

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Furniture and Interior Design
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
Stefania Ruse
Learning outcomes:
The students will assimilate knowledges related to the history of the costume, from the prehistorical period, to the XXI century; the understanding of the relation beetwen fashion - furniture- visuale arts –interiore architecture, in defyning the ideal of beauty and the style of an epoch.
The themes of the applications have the following purpose: the students will have the needed knowledges to configurate the volumes and shapes of the costumes, accesories, ,compositions with colours and textures.
1 Ideal of beauty –interior architecture - life style.
2 Costums in prehistorie - compositions on skin(tattoo si makeup)
3 Costums in India, Mesopotamia and Egipt
4 Structures in movement 1(drapes) in The Ancient Greece and The Roman Empire
5 Costumes of the „barbarions”- traditionales costumes
6 Costumes in the Midle Ages (byzantin, romanic, gothic)
7 Oriental costumes - Romanian Royal costumes
8 Costumes Renaissance (Italy, France, England and Spain)
9 Structures in movement 2: mantles and accesories during the XVII-th and the XVIII-th centuries.
10 Sculptural Compositions : masks, hair-style, hats – (baroque,rococo)
11 Costumes in the XIX- th century / Romania beetwen the Oriental and the Occidental world
12 The XX- th century - original and copy - inspiration from visual arts
13 Costumes in Far Orient (China, Japon ) and jewels costumes
14 Costumes in the New Millenium – famos designers – Interferences of arts

Practical works:
1 Compozitional Study - makeup and tattoos (fotos, sketches)
2 Study of togas (personals fotos, modern togas, modern drapes)
3 Comparative Study of the exotic costume - modern costume
4 Study of the fairy costume (study of armoures , royal costum)
5 Volumetric study - hair - style, hats – (baroque,rococo neoclassic, modernism)
6 Originals and copies - costumes inspirated from architecture si visual arts
7 Style and designer (the analysis of the creation of a fashion designer)
Teaching Method:
Lectures with projections, workshops
Examination - studies (7 themes + one costum sc. 1:1)
ALDER A., Le sens de la vie. Etude de psychologie individuelle, Centre Pajot, Paris 1960
BOUCHER, Francois, Histoire du Costume en Occident, Ed. Flammarion, 1999
BROADBERT G./ BUNT R./ LLORENS T., Semnificatie si comportament in spatiul construit ( trad.), Ed.Tehnica, Bucuresti 1985
CASSIUS – SCOTT, Jack, Costume and Fashion, Ed. Studio Vista, 199
DOORDAN, Dennis, Twentieth-Century Architecture, Calmann& King Ltd., 2001
DUCHER, Robert, Caracteristique des styles, Ed. Flammarion, Paris 1998
EDWARD, Lucie-Smith, Histoire du Mobilier, Ed. Thames & Hudson, Londra 1997
ECO, Umberto, Istoria frumusetii, (The History of Beauty) Grupul Editorial RAO, Bucuresti, 2005
FERRIER, Jean-Louis, L’aventure de l’art au XXe siecle, Edition du Chene-Hachette Livre, Paris, 1999
HOPPER, Stephanie, Decorating with pictures, Ed. Clarkson – Pofter, New York
KING, Constance, Encyclopedie du Mobilier de caractere – Les canapees, Ed. de l’Olympe 1999
LUCIE-SMITH,Edward, Histoire du mobilier, Ed. Thames& Hudson,Paris,1990
MONTENEGRO, Riccardo, Style d’interieur, Ed. de la Martiniere, Paris
NANU, Adina, Art, style, costume, Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti 1985
NANU, Adina, Arta ;pe om, ( Art on the human body) Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti 2000
RACINET, August, Histoire du costume,Paris, 2000
***PETIT LAROUSSE, Ed. Galimard, Paris 1979
The costumes elaborated by the students will be expose in the expospaces of the University; they will be also presented in fashion shows (The Annual event in Arcitecture) and in TV shows.