- Fișa disciplinei:
- CP-5 I Protectia patrimoniului (notiuni de conservare).pdf
- Department:
- History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
- Course Leader:
- prof.dr.arh. Sergiu Nistor
- Learning outcomes:
- Awareness about the principles of scientific conservation.
Awareness aboutr the fundamentals of Romanian laws in historic buildings preservation
Awareness in the use of the main instruments of investigation the historic buildings.
- Content:
- The emergence and the evolution of the term "historic monument" as well as the concern for the preservation of the architectural works of the past: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Inlightment
Monument vs Historic Monument, what this difference means
Conservation doctrines - XIXth century
Conservation doctrines - XXth century
The Venice Charter - presentation and comments
The Venice Charter - presentation and comments
The Romanian legislation for the protection of historic buildings
International Charters
The preservation of the authenticity throughout restoration
Survey and research techniques
Typology of restoration interventions: Romanian examples
- Teaching Method:
- Conference
- Assessment:
- Written individual exam, with the actual presence of student i the examination room
Mandatory attendance for admission to the exam: at least 6 courses
- Bibliography:
- BRANDI, Cesare, Teoria restaurării, Editura Meridiane, București 1996
CHOAY, Francoise - Alegoria patrimoniului, Editura Simetria, București, 1998;
CURINSCHI-VORONA, Gheorghe - Restaurarea monumentelor istorice, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1968;
CURINSCHI-VORONA, Gheorghe - Arhitectura. Urbanism. Restaurare, Ed. Tehnică, București 1996;
FITCH, James Marston - Historic Preservation, Curatorial Management of the Built World, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville 1992;
FEILDEN, Bernard M. - Conservation of Historic Buildings, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994;
NISTOR, S., Protecția patrimoniului cultural în România. Culegere de acte normative, Ed. Universitară "Ion Mincu", București, 2002
PEARCE, David - Conservation Today, Routledge, London, 1989.
RIEGL, Alois, Cultul modern al monumentelor, esența și geneza sa, Ed. Impress, București, 1999
BOITO, Camillo, Carta del Restauro
GIOVANNONI, G., Restauro di monumenti, Bollettino d'Arte, 1-2, 1913 http://www.bollettinodarte.beniculturali.it/opencms/multimedia/BollettinoArteIt/documents/1344509031124_02-Gustavo_Giovannoni_p._1.pdf
ICOMOS, International Charters for Conservation and Restoration
JOKILEHTO, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, ICCROM, 1986
LE DUC, Eugene Emmanuel Viollet,
RUSKIN, John, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849
- Notes:
- On condition that no other regulation will stipulate otherwise, the exam will be a written, face to face exam, and will consist of 2 (two) questions to be answered by the student within a 50 minutes timeframe.