UT-95 Synthesys of Territorial Analyses

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Territorial Planning and Regional Development
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 4P | ECTS Credits: 9
Urban Planning and Territorial Development
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb. Liviu Veluda
Teaching Staff:
conf.dr.arh. Gabriel Pascariu, asist.dr. Liviu Veluda
Learning outcomes:
The aim of the project and of the practical workshop activity is to get the students of the 1st year of master classes, familiar to methods of processing and assessing data and information from studies and documents for territorial planning and produce relevant, clear and effective synthesis in written and graphical forms as basis for elaborating a rationale proposal of a strategy and of development scenarios. As a follow up of this project, it is supposed that students will be able to achieve sectorial and integrated synthesis for spatial planning and regional development.
Titles of practical themes:
The project activity involves the elaboration of written and graphical synthesis for spatial planning and regional development plans. Synthesis will be achieved for the main fields of analysis such as: geography, human settlements network, territorial infrastructure, economy and population, state of the environment and protected areas, territorial relations.
The stages of the project are:
1. sectorial synthesis for the main fields / chapters / sub-chapters of analysis, including a short but structured text and relevant statistical data, organised in tables and indicating the sources of information;
2. identification of strengths and weaknesses by fields / chapters / sub-chapters of analysis; to be short and clear and presented in a structured table as well as by graphical representations such as cartograms and diagrams; a preliminary diagnosis will be also elaborated;
3. global approach: elaboration in written form and graphical representation of a general diagnosis based on a final synthesis of the sectorial analysis and followed by development objectives (the contextual elements will be added such as opportunities and threats and a PEST analysis)
4. the elaboration and presentation of development concept for a studied territory, setting up alternative scenarios, stages of implementation, plans of actions a.o.
Teaching Method:
Lectures, video presentations, debates and discussions on territorial physical plans, studio activities.
Evaluation is done all along the duration of the project. Each stage of the project is evaluated separately and the final evaluation will be a weighted average mark of all the stages of the project.
• Territorial studies and plans: www.mdrt.ro, www.urbanproiect.ro, www.incerc.ro etc.
• ESPON studies: www.espon.org
• INS, Tempo on-line
• Territorial Observatory of MDRAP
Bibliography is adjusted based on the selected territory and the detailed content of the theme.
The project has several stages of elaboration and is worked out in teams and individually and is finally defended in front of a jury.