UP-153 Rural Landscape

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape Design and Planning
4th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Mihaela Hărmănescu
Learning outcomes:
Rural landscape assessment will have the purpose to extricate regions or sites of interest in order to protect and grow them as territories, as well as their fundamental elements of heritage, a heritage that is unranked but highly important for the evolution and development of a rural settlement. Taking into account the opposing interests on heritage, on one hand conservation and on the other the renewal of the built environment, the project brings in the concept of sustainability in order to link the two perspectives. By defining sustainability and by understanding the responsibility it makes us assume, one thinks of natural resources and the environment and implicitly, in the research, of local resources, the particularities and specificity of the site.
1. Rationale, terminology - rurality and vernacular :structure, space, landscape, settlement, architecture, architecture
2. Rationale, terminology - relation cultural landscape/ rural landscape (cultural dimension associated to rural landscape, ethnographic space)
3. History of rural structure. Types of rural structures and their relation to landscape and history. Traditional architecture and major climate zones, bioclimatic design, sustainable design.
4. History of rural structure. Particular and specificity. Material resources and cultural techniques
5. History of rural structure. Relation between Landscape and rural settlements activities, occupations and territorial tissue / agricultural systems, shepherding. Rural Housing and local traditions.
6.Rural structure, rural architecture and teritorial dinamics. Local/global. center / periphery inside the rural structure. rural- urban, rurban.
7. Rural Landscape in Romania. Evolution, advantages and malfunctions: "countries"
8. Rural Landscape in Romania. Morphologies -types
9. Rural Landscape in Romania. Landscape structure activity relationship rural settlements, traditional occupations and territorial tissue / agricultural systems, shepherding. Rural Housing and local traditions
10. Policy and rural landscapes. Rural heritage and specific landscapes - rural heritage values
11. Policy and rural landscapes. Legislation, compared approaches national / international
12. Intervention in the rurality: local sustainable development, global sustainable development. Models and strategies for recovery for the rural landscape. Sustainable Landscape
Teaching Method:
Mandatory references:

David, Lucian (2015). Peisajele etnografice din România, ed. Etnologică, București.
Jackson J.B. (1984). Discovering the Vernacular Landscape, New Haven and London, Yale University Press.
Stahl. H., Stahl, P (1968). Civilizația vechilor sate românești, Ed. Științifică, București.
Wood, M. (2011). Rural, ed. Routledge, London.

Optional references:

Agnoletti M. (2010). Paesaggio rurale- strumenti per la pianificazione strategica, Florence, Edagricole.
Betea, Raluca, Wild, Beate Wild Eds. (2016). Brave New World – Romanian Migrants' Dream Houses – Bucharest: Romanian Cultural Institute, București.
Dezvoltare rurală sustenabilă – Vrin, Vals, Vorarlberg [Elveția, Austria] http://www.architekturclips.de/vrin/
Gaivoroschi V. (2002). Matricele spatiului traditional, Ed. Paideea.
Hărmănescu M. (2012). Sense of a place: Liveability and tourism quality in territories, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism- Tourbanism, ed. Escola Tecnica Superior D’Arquitectura de Barcelona, UPC, ISBN 978-84-8157-620-7.
Popa,A.,Hărmanescu M.(2012),Peisajul rural productiv și necesitatea actuală de gestiune durabilă,în Provocări în spatiul construit 120 de ani de învățământ superior de arhitectură,coord.Dabija,A.M.,Ed.Universitară Ion Mincu,București,pp 49-60.
Patru-Stupariu I., (2010). Peisaj si gestiune durabila in teritoriu, ed. Universitatii, Bucuresti.
Sârbu C. (2010). Schimbări umane și interacțiuni în peisajul cultural rural, în cadrul proiectului internațional Măgura – Past and Present (Art-Landscape Trasnsformațions EC Project 2007-4230), ISBN 978-972-8922-92-1, Ed.Renaisance, p 9 -14.
Stahl. P. (2000). Triburi si sate din sud-estul Europei, ed. Paideia.
Stephen Owen (1996), Sustainability and Rural Settlement Planning, in Planning Practice & Research Journal, Volume 11, 1996 - Issue 1, pages 37- 48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02697459650036431.
Turnock, David, (1991). The Planning of Rural Settlement in Romania in The Geographical Journal Vol. 157, No. 3 (Nov., 1991), pp. 251-264, DOI: 10.2307/635500, http://www.jstor.org/stable/635500 .