UP-7 Urban Composition

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape Design and Planning
4th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leaders:
asist.dr.urb. Radu Pătrașcu
prof.dr.urb. Andreea Necșulescu
Learning outcomes:
It aims to develop students’ capacity to analyse and define the function and configuration of a possible urban image as a support for the architectural and urban creation process within the urban space; it also aims to develop students’ capacity to compose and expand their own qualitative judgment on the urban space configuration.
A new approach in Urban Composition;
Image in space;
The mechanism of urban image formation;
Perception in space;
The spatial configurative structural field;
Visualizing effects of spatial configuration;
Defining organized space through in site composition;
Relation between buildings and site; qualitative elements of organized spaces;
Particularity in organized space.
Teaching Method:
Ex-cathedra lectures, case studies and critical discussions in the seminar.
Practical Project - Seminar (the value obtained will represent the grade for the evaluation during the semester) + Final Exam

The final grade will result as an average between the Practical Project - Seminar value (50%) and the Final Exam value (50%)

Minimum 5,00 (rounded) average final grade, with minimum 5,00 at the Practical Project (Seminar) and minimum 5,00 at the Final Exam.
1. R.Laurian: Probleme de estetica a oraselor, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti – 1962
2. K. Lynch: Image of the City, Ed. R.U.R., Bucuresti – 2012
3. Al. Sandu: Urban Structures, course ...., Ed. U.A.U.I.M., Bucuresti – 1992
4. R. Arnheim: Centrul vizual, Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti – 1995
5. R. Sennett: The conscience of the Eye, Ed. Norton – 1992
6. M. Merleau-Ponty: Fenomenologia perceptiei, ed. Aion, Oradea, 1999 (introduction and part two)
7. Umberto Eco: Opera deschisa, ed. Paralela 45, Bucuresti, 2002 (Chapters. Opening, Information, Communication)
8. M. Roncayolo: Lectures de villes. Formes et temps, Ed. Parentheses, Paris, 2002
9. Al. Sandu: Articles in Arhitext Magazine nr. 1/2006, 5/2001, 1/2015