UP-142 Professional Training

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 7L | ECTS Credits: 10
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh Tiberiu Florescu
Teaching Staff:
Departamentul Proiectare Urbană și Peisagistică și Planificare Urbană și Dezvoltare Teritorială din Facultatea de Urbanism / Urban and Landscape Design Departmentad Urban Planning and Territorial Development Urban and Territorial Planning Faculty
Learning outcomes:
Study support for the disertation project (theory and design)
Knowledge of specific legislation in force for landscape and urban planning.
Knowledge of procedures for starting the design process applied in the field.
Assimilation techniques for landscape design, complying with legislation.
Accepting the rigors of work in collective and accountability on the task of designing in the field.
Study case, documentation for:
Landscape and spatial planning and related fields including phases of details of the diploma project from landscape and teritory/ urban project
(Policy, restoration, rehabilitation, integration, etc)
Landscape and urban planning research
Competitions for landscaping, urban planning or related fields
Teaching Method:
Direct participation in the process of documentation related to landscape areas and territory and urban/ rural project
Evaluating the students projects, assessing student work submitted by individual study: presenting the portfolio
Specific documentation of dissertation topic chosen
Urban planning and landscape documentation at national and international methodologies, policy landscape