UP-3 Technique of Urban Design

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urbanism and Territorial Management
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh Simona Butnariu
Learning outcomes:
Providing specific knowledge for understanding the operational dimension of the urban intervention
Acquiring specific urban design technique knowledge
Providing technical capability for the urban designers, in order to elaborate urban plans at zonal and detail scale
1. Introduction, field of study, content
2. The plot – technical elements
3. Regulations regarding the building layout on the plot – part I
4. Regulations regarding the building layout on the plot – part II
5. Regulations regarding the building layout on the plot – part III
6. Regulations regarding the building height
7. Urban indicators
8. Road system, accesibility and parking
9. Regulations regarding the aspect of buildings and fencing
10. Public utilities – part I
11. Public utilities – part II
12. Urban plans – the zonal urban plan (PUZ)
13. Urban plans – the detailed urban plan (PUD)
14. Final review
Teaching Method:
Lectures with illustrations and comments
Final examination (100%)
C. Sitte - Arta construirii orașelor, Ed. Tehnică, București, 1991
Laurian Radu, Urbanismul
Ioanid Virgil, Circulația în orașul modern, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti
HG 525/1996
Legea 350/2001
Codul Civil – Cartea a III-a Despre bunuri, Titlul III, Capitolul IV – servituțile
Ordinul 119/2014 al Ministrului Sănătății pentru aprobarea Normelor de igienă și a recomandărilor privind mediul de viață al populației
Ordinul Ministerului Lucrărilor Publice și al Amenajării Teritoriului 91/1991
In order to have acces to the final assessment, the students should attend at least 50% of the organized lectures.