Director: Raluca Epifan
CCPEC ellaborates technical surveys and evaluations, studies, projects, research works, technical regulations, and provides professional consulting in various fields: architecture, civil engineering, restoration, rehabilitation, urban and country planning, interior architecture and design, stage design, graphics, publishing and advertisement materials; CCPEC is certified ISO 9001: 2000.
Post-doctoral Research Projects
METROPLAN – The impact of suburbanization in Romania’s metropolitan areas - the need for new territorial planning and management instruments
Research projects funded by the Executive Agency for Funding of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
CircularCityChallenge – Creating a Next Generation Participatory Contest for Young People to integrate Circularity in School Curricula
Future On The Past – From early 20th century architecture photography collection to database: digital humanities applied to investigate local seismic, flood, fire culture
Reducing the effects of the urban thermal island to improve urban comfort and balance energy consumption in Bucharest, acronym REDBHI (website in Romanian)
Research on estimation and enhancement of intrinsic safety performances for urban traffic networks, acronym SAFENET
CNCSIS grants
The study of urban regeneration and the impact on the environment and society regarding the reconversion of buildings in Romania (website in Romanian)
Contemporary ways of space envelopment
Other grants and fundings
DISASTERPROTECT – Research strategy in the field of disater for protection of natural and built heritage in urban and rural zones
STUdURB++ – Reducing the risk of dropout and increasing the quality of the results of urbanism students in the first year of IMUAU (website in Romanian)
Living Danube Limes – Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by living the common heritage on the Danube Limes as basis for a Cultural Route. IMUAU, through the Faculty of Architecture, starting with July 1, 2020, for a period of 30 months, is a partner in the Living Danube Limes project, coordinated by Donau Universität Krems. The consortium consists of 19 universities from 10 countries and 27 strategic partners.
DANUrB+ – DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage
STARRRHI+ - IMUAU architectural students: Reducing the risk of dropout and better results in year 1 (website in Romanian)
VIP – „We design together the future” (website in Romanian)
SCHOLAR ARCHITECT – Perfecționarea și creșterea calității științifice în învățământul de arhitectură
BRĂILA LABORATORY - Alternative approaches to urban peripheries in a city with stagnant growth (B-LAB) / LP41 / 07.04.2015 (website in Romanian with English summary)
DANUrB – A regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity
nZEB-SOL nZEB – Elaboration of an alternative Public Policy to the public policies initiated by the Government in the field of sustainable housing, by promoting solutions that would lead to increasing the accessibility of nZEB-SOL nZEB type residential buildings (website in Romanian)
Erasmus+ projects
DANUBIAN-SMCs – Creative Danube: Innovative teaching for inclusive development in small and medium -sized Danubian cities
VVITA ( – Modernizing Learning and Teaching for Architecture through Smart and Longlasting Partnerships leading to sustainable and inclusive development strategies to Vitalize heritage Villages through Innovative Technologies
CO-LAND ( – Inclusive coastal landscapes: activating green and blue infrastructure for sustainable development of the urban-land interface
InCLIMATE – Integrating Climate Resilience in EU Higher Education (website in Romanian)
Triplex Confinium – Triplex tackling gaps and mismatches in the field of higher education for architecture and urban planning while exploring and addressing discontinuities along the national borders in-between Romania, Hungary and Serbia
LIFE Projects
DiVIRTUE – Development of Training Schemes with Application of Virtual Reality towards Implementation of Decarbonized New and Existing Buildings
FORCOPAR 2 - Vocational Training in Industrial Archeology (Conservation / Reconversion) - From feasibility to operationality
Cultural Projects
EPAT – Eau comme PATrimoine – Project funded by European Commission programme Culture 2007-2013
Scientific events
RRRC – Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities, conferință internațională, noiembrie 2016
EURAU 2016 – In Between Scales, septembrie 2016
ICAR 2015 – Re[Search] through Architecture, martie 2015
ICAR 2012 – (RE)writing Historym, mai 2012
3rd EAAE Workshop on Conservation - CONSERVATION/REGENERATION: The Modernist Neighbourhood, Bucharest, October 2011
IMUAU Symposiums - Landscape - Architecture - Technology - Environment, June 2011 (in Romanian)
Cuenca 2011Bionics, Innovation and Sustainable Urban Development - 17th International Seminar on Bionic Architecture, Cuenca April 7-9, 2011 (in Romanian)
Alcala 2011 REMCE – Mobility Structures for Efficient Cities Network: Energy and Art – work meeting – Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 30 march-1 april, 2011 (in Romanian)
Cuenca 2010 Bio-culture and green cities - International Seminar on Bionics, Innovation and Sustainable Urban Development
Locus Ibiza 2010 Accessibility in historical centers for people with disabilities and not only - A European project with Romanian participation (in Romanian)
Participation in the European competition EAAE Prize 2010 -
An-ecologic-approach-applied-to-restoration.pdf - lect. dr. arch. Elena-Codina Dușoiu
Teaching-the-teachers-of-the-world.pdf - drd. arch. Robert Zotescu
ERSA 2008 Liverpool, Marea Britanie
CHRESP - 8th European Commission Conference on Sustaining Europe’s Cultural Heritage
CNCSIS 10 - Tenth National Conference on Scientific Research in Higher Education / CNCSIS 10 (in Romanian)
i-REC International Conference – "Building Management - Effective Implementation of Post-Disaster Reconstruction" (in Romanian)
EURAU 2008 – Cultural Landscape- 4th European Congress of Architectural and Urban Research, Madrid 16-19 January 2008 (in Romanian)
Work travel and exhibition in Dakar, Senegal - a cooperation agreement was concluded in August 2007 between UAUIM and Fondation pour le Patrimoine - Senegal. (in Romanian)
Research projects
Eco Futuring Romania - REMCE - Network for Mobility Structures For Efficient Cities: Energy And Art
Cultural projects
Visual culture in underground transit spaces- Cultural project funded by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN)
NeDiMAH – Network for Digital Methods in Arts and Humanities