Program: Erasmus+
Key action: KA203 / Strategic partnership project
Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063881
Project duration: 04.11.2019 - 03.08.2022
Total Grant: 299.881 EUR
Triplex Confinium is an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership between the architecture schools in, and around, the DKMT Euroregion. In all, it encompasses five architecture schools of different sizes, a geography faculty and a sociology department.
Architecture students, educators and young professional architects from Romania, Serbia, and Hungary are mostly unaware of each other’s common cultural ground and of the extent that their similar recent social, political, and economic history is affecting their work environment and design decisions. The transnational collaborations that tackle the complex territorial conditions of one such very specific possible meeting area, the Banat region (DKMT euro-region) - important cultural component resting on the border between Central and Eastern Europe, have yet to fully consider the relevance of architectural national policies.
The Triplex Confinium partnership addresses the gaps and mismatches between each partner country’s spatial policies as well as educational trends by acknowledging that difference is just as important as semblance.
The main objective of Triplex Confinium project is to create a curriculum for a master course in architectural higher education. In order to do so the partners work on developing the theoretical backbone of the program and on testing several teaching methods. The project covers certain skill gaps in existing curriculum and tackle mismatches between the current educational offer of architecture schools and what is required within the professional environment. The project provides insight into how partner universities approach the issue of transnational spaces and the impact of national borders on the development of communities that exist in border areas.
By coming together, the architecture schools that are part of Triplex Confinium project hope to tackle the curricular gaps and mismatches that, in spite of their national or international recognition, isolate them from one another when seen strictly at a regional or transnational level.
By designing and testing new comparative educational modules for architects related to the fields of anthropology, political science, social geography, digital tools for interpretation of data we hope to increase the awareness of architects towards these common issues. These are addressed to a group of 21 educators and 28 students working together in two intensive training programs. The program creates opportunities for real, on-site experiences for the target group of the project, highlighting the theory and tools necessary for territorial exploration as well as project implementation through participatory tactics. On the long term the project will create a framework for transnational partnerships between our neighboring countries – Romania, Serbia and Hungary, focused on competences of the set target group with the aim of approaching shared problems regarding both higher education and regional development. By increasing the awareness of our common heritage as a palpable, shared resource we hope to encourage our main target group to promote excellence within this field of spatial practice, with the direct involvement of local actors: volunteers, community leaders, elected officials, administrators, and various NGO’s.
Project team (UAUIM)
- lect.dr.arh. Irina Tulbure – manager de proiect
- dr.arh. AlexanduBelnyi
- lect.dr.arh. Irina Băncescu
- asist.dr.arh. IlincaPăun Constantinescu
- asist.drd.arh. Cristian Borcan
- asist.drd.arh. Cristian Bădescu
See the entire team of tutors:
The program is imagined as a flexible international curriculum with three main components:
- An Open Competition
- Two Summer School – the first in Jimbolia in September 2021 and the second in Kikinda in April 2022
- Debates
December 6-8, 2019, Timișoara
Kick off Transnational Meeting
March 7, 2020, Jimbolia
Informal Transnational Meeting and Jimbolia visit
July 10-11, 2021, Budapesta
Interim Transnational Meeting
September 17-31, 2021, Jimbolia
Summer School
March 2, 2022, Györ
Multiplier Event
March 5-6, 2022, Novi Sad
Interim Transnational Meeting
July 16, 2021 – April 14, 2022
Tink Brick! competition
April 1-14, 2022, Kikinda
Summer School
April 14, 2022, Kikinda
Multiplier Event
July 8-10, 2022, Timișoara
Transnational Meeting
July 11, 2022, Timișoara
Multiplier Event
LTT – A collection of Pluridisciplinary Pedagogical Experiments and Field Research
Think Brick! competition