Foto Maria Boștenaru Dan

Maria Boștenaru Dan

Scientific researcher grade III Dr. Dipl.-Ing.

Research projects

1. "Preservation of historic reinforced concrete housing buildings across Europe", Marie Curie Intra-European fellow,, 2005-2007 (2 years)

2. "The innovation in the plan of the current floor: Zoning in blocks of flats for the middle class in the first half of the 20th century", grantee, Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant, It was also listed as a promissing result, which is why it has results in brief, 2007-2010 (3 years)

3. "Architecture programs, the dual element of water and women in architecture (first half of the twentieth century). Water as a hazard and water as a heritage", scholarship holder Vasile Pârvan, Accademia di Romania a Roma, 1922 - 2012_ro.htm, see also the workshop organized within the scholarship, 2015-2016 (10 months)   

4. "Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities - NeDiMAH", steering committee member of an European Science Foundation Research Networking Program,, 2012-2015 (3 years 4 months)

5. "Researcher Mental Health", COST action won as secondary proposer and core group member as Inclusiveness Target Country Conference Grant Coordinator,, 2020- (4 years)

6. "Renewable energy and landscape quality", COST action TU1401, management committee substitute 2014-2018, participants, the project was categorized as a promissing result within the COST actions. I participated in particular in the photo database, winning two prizes. I have presented the traveling poster exhibition (I, in Romania) in several places, including Marie Curie researcher night, and I currently have a microgrant Marie Curie Alumni Association for a permanent edition. I also had an ITC conference grant during the action and participated in 2 meetings (Dresden and Clermont-Ferrand) writing numerous publications. 2014-2018 (4 years)

7. "The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and policy evaluation", COST action IS1104, management committee member, During the project I benefited from a short term scientific mission of one month at ISCTE Lisbon (host Diana Mendes) with a guest presentation at a seminar Instituto Superior Tecnico, top university. I also benefited from a training school in Madrid and participated in numerous management committee meetings. 2012-2016 (4 years)

8. "Spatial and temporal structures of urban vulnerability in Bucharest", Project in the Programme PCE –  PCE-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0175; financed by The Executive Unit for Financing the Higher Education and University Researches (UEFISCDI),, team member 2012-2015 (3 years 9 months)

9. "Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development", COST action TU0801, management committee member, I benefited from a short term 5 week scientific mission at the University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal (hosted by Thomas Panagopoulos) which resulted in a book and then a second one in cooperation with Portugal. We continued the collaboration with the host between the two universities through numerous visits, publications, COST actions. 2009-2012 (3 years)

10. Future On The Past: "From early 20th century architecture photography collection to database: digital humanities applied to investigate local seismic, flood, fire culture", Project financed by UEFISCDI following the PCE competition - Exploratory Research Projects 2021, through PNCDI III, sub-programme P4 Fundamental and frontier research, Grant agreement no. PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0609, Principal Investigator. 30 months: June 2nd, 2022 - December 31st, 2024.

Conference participation

1. Organizer Cross WG meeting NeDiMAH, 1-3 November 2012, Bucharest,, within the project no. 4

2. Organizer, scientific session at EuroScience Open Forum 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark "New concepts of mobility to foster career development and gender balance in Europe" which resulted in an article in the journal Top Nature, ca. 100 participants, the conference was opened by the Queen of Denmark,

3. Convener for a series of scientific sessions "Natural hazards impact on urban areas and infrastructure" 2002-2010 at the European Geosciences Union general assembly in Nice (see award) and then in Vienna, published review in ISI article Since 2013 co-convener at the next session, which resulted in publication 1. Organizer, session on women in geoscience at the European Geosciences Union general assembly in Vienna 28 April 2017 which was also presented on the EGU page today. Organizer, "GMPV10 Challenges to historical materials in urban / anthropic environment", session at the European Geosciences Union general assembly 2006 in Vienna The session resulted in cooperation for a Springer book.

4. Organizer, European Geosciences Union topical event in Rome during the month of international culture, competitively won funding, "Water as hazard and water as heritage", subsequent proceedings also published by competition won funding,

5. Member of the organisation commitee of the Marie Curie Alumni Association annual conference 10 years of MCAA, Milan, Italy and member of the organisation commitee of the Marie Curie Alumni Association Research Management Working Group meeting in Brussels, working group which was awarded the best WG prize in Milan. Organiser as founder of the Marie Curie Alumni Association chapter launch event

6. Member of the organisation committee of the ICOMOS ISCARSAH AGM 2024 and scientific symposium

7. Organizer, session at the Eurodoc conference in Budapest March 25-27, 2014

8. Member in the programme committee REMO conference 25-26 August 2022 and 2023 in Budapest

9. Organizer, DISASTERPROTECT conference within the FFCSU 2021 project, with 4 guests, 6 experts, zoom

10. Organizer, some guest lectures e.g. Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai in 2020 under a cooperation agreement. Similar invitations were for Thomas Panagopoulos as mentioned above, twice, and for Alex Dill and Pia Fricker at NeDiMAH.

Publications and articles

1. "Natural hazard impacts on technological systems and infrastructures" special issue in "Natural hazards and earth system sciences", 2020, ISI Q1, guest editor,

2. "Materials, Technologies and Practice in Historic Heritage Structures", main editor, Springer Dordrecht, 2009,, top 50%

3. "Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning", main editor, Springer Dordrecht, 2014,, top 50%

4. "Space and Time Visualization", main editor, Springer International, 2016,, top 50%

5. “Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes”, co-editor, Springer Dordrecht, 2014,, top 25%

6. "Interwar architecture with reinforced concrete structure exposed to multihazard in European context", LIT Verlag, Münster, 2013, author

7. "Natural hazards impact on urban areas", special issue in Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2006, guest editor,, ISI

8. Thomas Panagopoulos, José Antonio González Duque, Maria Bostenaru Dan: "Urban planning with respect to environmental quality and human well-being", Environmental Pollution, Volume 208, Part A, January 2016, Pages 137-144

9. "Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit von Gebäudeverstärkungsmaßnahmen zur Erdbebenertüchtigung", Shaker Verlag, Aachen, author, 2006,

10. "Heritage, Landscape and Restoration of Historical Gardens", editor, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, 2022,

Workshops, competitions

1. Ad Astra researcher award from Romania with over 7 years experience from doctorate 2020,

2. Art Nouveau Network (Brussels, international network) Investigator / Mystery Prize 2018, and special mention for best Art Nouveau Motto 2022

3. League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS) postgraduate level award (postdoc), gala from 2018,, Previously in 2017 for the internship at the Accademia di Romania I obtained a mention in the same competition. 2022 special prize at the category "together again at home".

4. Seeing the World Through Science: Conference Experiences, 2nd runner up, published in Science Magasine, 2006,

5. COST RELY photo prize 2018,, the COST RELY action also received the success story status.

6. PRECISI awards for ISI articles in 2014 (Q2), 2015 (Q2), 2016 (Q1), 2018 (Q2), 2020 (Q2 and Q1), 2021 (2 Q2) - lists available on the UEFISCDI website

7. Publons awards top peer reviewer 2016, 2017, 2019

8. Prize for essay Modernism Art Deco in text contest B:MAD (Tabacu villa) 2018

9. Shortlisted for a prize of DAAD alumni 2020

10. Best poster award Marie Curie Alumni Association conference 2022 Lisbon category Arts and Humanities.

Graduated studies

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Dipl.-Ing. (Architektur) 22.06.1999 focus urban planning (good)

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) BerufsOrientierteZusatzqualifikation (BOZ) Zertifikat Multimedia (Humanities and Social Sciences) 1999-2000 (very good)

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) BOZ Zertifikat Projektmanagement (Humanities and Social Sciences) 2001-2002 (good)

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) English for Business 2000-2003 (very good)

"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, dr. (architecture) 12.09.2012 (public defence 30.03.2012) (very good)

University of Bucharest psycho-pedagogy 2014-2015 (very good max. grade)

University of Bucharest postdoctorate (geography) 2014-2015

Accademia di Romania a Roma postdoctorate (architecture) 2015-2016

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Zertifikat internationale Kompetenz 2016

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Zertifikat Deutschlandkenntnisse 2021

Academic background

research assistant (undergraduate HiWi) Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Faculty of Architecture, August 1996

research assistant (postgraduate geprüfter HiWi) Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, February 2000-December 2001

research assistant (postgraduate geprüfter HiWi) Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, August-September 2000

research assistant, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, January 2012-September 2015

scientific researcher "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism: Faculty of Architecture February 2008-2011, Faculty of Urbanism 2011-2020, interfaculty 2020-2024

scientific researcher grade III "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism: Faculty of Architecture November 2024-

Architectural projects

1. internship A3 IMPEX SRL (Constantin Dobre, Victor Ivaneș, Toma Olteanu, Radu Tănăsoiu), Bucharest, Romania, an office important for its contribution to competitions, Competition office building Piața Victoriei, Bucharest September 1998

2. internship TRAN Construct, built project monastery St. Ioan, Bucharest (architecture Pentadesign), December 1997- January 1998

3. internship Kramm et Strigl, Darmstadt, Germany, unbuilt project, upgrade of TA Hochhaus Erfurt November 1998- February 1999, Germany

4. internship Kramm et Strigl, unbuilt project, conversion and extension with a neighbourhood RV Versicherungen Wiesbaden November 1998- February 1999, Germany

5. internship Kramm et Strigl, invited competition, won, then built reshaping Passage Hamburger Hof November 1998- February 1999, Germany

6. Instalation rediscovered space, studio Daniel Libeskind, University of Arts in Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2000-March 2001, exhibited as guest student and published

7. Traineeship Studio T 94, Bucharest, Romania, in collaboration with A. Hasapi - A. Sargentis & Associates, Athens, Greece (since 2007 after years of successful collaboration they founded ACM - architecture consulting management - DASA), REA Maternity Hospital Athens, Greece, September-October 2007

8. Team member for Conceptual note and design topic Kretzulescu Palace, Bucharest, for conversion in education museum, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism for the Ministry of Education, September-November 2020

Other information

I am Marie Curie Alumna (3 fellowships). I did voluntary activities at the begin at the student dormitory in Germany, which introduced me to participatory architecture, and then in the Associations of Marie Curie fellows and alumni. Also I am expert evaluator for national and European projects.

The latest public pages (SCOPUS, Publisher for ResearcherID, ORCID) are essential. Brainmap has links to other projects, and project # 2 will also appear on Horizon Funding and Tenders when it goes into beta). 
