- https://www.theposter.ro
- https://www.fadingborders.eu
- https://www.mazzocchioo.com
- https://www.liviovacchini.ch
Research projects
Post-Doctoral SCIEX fellowship no.12.248 for the research project 'Archaic Meditations in Architecture: Livio Vacchini at work', awarded by CRUS (Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities), Construction and Conservation Laboratory led by professor Luca Ortelli / School of Architecture , Civil and Environmental Engineering ENAC / Department, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne / Switzerland
Conference participation
1. Curator of the Romanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2021 - 'Fading Borders' _ www.fadingborders.eu
2. conference organizer MazzocchiooTALKS _ https://www.mazzocchioo.com/talks
3. 17thMay2017 : conference entitled “Vacchini's Double”; http://www.auic.polimi.it/it/eventi/dettaglio-dellevento/article/167/vacchinis-double-1461/
4. conference entitled “Livio Vacchini: De la pensee a l'oeuvre”, at the International University of Rabat, Morocco, the 27th of February 2017 _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19q1xq8zVGc
5. Speaker in '5x3' conference series in Forum d'Architecture de Lausanne, on the subject of the POSTER works, with Irina Melita / Lausanne / Switzerland; 2014; see: http://archi-far.ch/Joom/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=37&Itemid=68&limitstart=30
Publications and articles
1. editor-in-chief and founder of Mazzocchioo magazine (7 issues) _ www.mazzocchioo.com
2. Author of “The Ambiguity of the Masterpiece. Livio Vacchini prin 11 dialoguri ”, 2017 editura Fundației Arhitext Design, ISBN 978-606-8645-03-2, with the financial support of The Chamber of the Romanian Architects and of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, awarded book
3 . “Territorial Bucharest. Territorial Bucharest ”, author, together with Emil Burbea and Cristi Borcan; Chapter published in CSAV_2018 “Yearbook of the UAUIM Center for Vernacular Architecture Studies”, Dealu-Frumos, “Ion Mincu” publishing house; ISSN 2068 - 472X
4. “New Perisoru. The humanism of production ”, Chapter published in CSAV_2016“ Yearbook of the Center for Studies of Vernacular Architecture UAUIM ”, Dealu-Frumos,“ Ion Mincu ”publishing house
Workshops, competitions
1. 1st place of the national competition for designating the winning team that represented Romania at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2021; https://www.uniuneaarhitectilor.ro/rezultate-etapa-2-bav2020
2. 1st Prize of the Architectural Biennial BETA in Timisoara, 2020, for "Casa Rasuri"; https://competition.betacity.eu/categorie/spatiu-construit/
3. Mention at the Architectural Biennial BETA in Timisoara, for Poster Ceramic Workshop in Ganeasa, with I.Melita; https://competition.betacity.eu/categorie/spatiu-construit/
4. 2nd Prize in the architectural competition for the new Headquarters of the Regional Council of Cluj, with I.Melita, Cristi Badescu, S.Hirleata, R.Tirca (Poster); www.oar.archi/ro/concursuri/rezultate/noul-consiliu-judetean-cluj, 2019
5. Nomination for the book ‘The Ambiguity of the Masterpeice. Livio Vacchini in 11 dialogues ’awarded by The Chamber of Architects in Bucharest in the 16th Annual of Architecture of Bucharest, 2018; https://www.anuala.ro/proiecte/2018/011/