Sustainability in architecture: a suite of events organised by UAUIM and Dutch Embassy, between 3-10 March, 2009

16 februarie 2009


Tuesday March 3rd:
9.00/10.00 – 14.00/14.30 hrs
Guest lectures UniversityEmbassy, UAUIM, Dutch Architects
Wednesday March 4th:
9.00 – 17.00 hrs
Conference ‘Sustainable Building’Crowne Plaza HotelEmbassy, SenterNovem, Dutch Architects
Thursday, March 5th- ca. 19 March“Exhibition/presentation” works Dutch architects University HallEmbassy, UAUIM, Dutch Architects
Tuesday, March 10th
9.00/10.00 – 14.00/14.30 hrs
WorkshopUniversityEmbassy, UAUIM, NAi
Tuesday, March 10thDebateMNACEmbassy, MNAC, NAi



Tuesday, March 3rd 2009

In collaboration with the UAUIM and the Embassy of the Netherlands, three Dutch architects have been invited to give a guest lecture at the University on Tuesday, March 3rd 2009.

The invited architects are:

de Architekten Cie. realizes urban planning projects ranging from strategic visions to interventions in densely developed metropolitan areas. Their roles les vary from strategic researcher and master planner to supervisor, advisor and ambassador. They have a wealth of experience in multiple land-use planning, the integration of old and new urban environments and devising strategies for large-scale developments.

The guest lecture will be about the ‘Profession Architect’. Mr. Pero Puljiz (or Mr. Frank Segaar) will discuss the profession architect and the (prior) conditions surrounding designing and building of buildings and urban planning.

The concept of sustainability was incorporated in the three criteria that Vitruvius, the famous architect of ancient Rome, saw as the foundations for good architecture: beauty, usefulness and durability. Dam & Partners Architecten conceive, design and supervise contemporary construction projects working from these same principles: we want to create buildings with a long useful life, an impressive spatial quality, and an interesting but always straightforward language of form. Each of our designs should demonstrate a thorough analysis of its surroundings. And each building should be one where people feel comfortable and see something of themselves reflected in it.

The guest lecture of Diederik Dam will discuss 'Sustainability and high-rise in future architecture in The Netherlands: Sustainability as a naturally integrated part of architectural design: a change in attitude'.

The lecture will be on the theme of Sustainability and how sustainability should be an integrated part of our way thinking and naturally become part of the designing process.

KOW X creates exceptional plans for both a Dutch and an international clientele. Projects are often ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary, of extraordinary scope and create a unique design language. X focuses on four specific areas of work: Concept & Design, Sustainability, Architectural Engineering and Technological Innovation. X designs, guides, co-ordinates, and applies the various disciplines within KOW to a wide spectrum of projects. It acts as a special division within the organisation and generates solutions during both the design phase and construction.

The guest lecture of Tjerk Reijenga will be on ‘Architecture and solar energy’.

CONFERENCE ‘Sustainability in Architecture; Dutch - Romanian Ideas on Saving Energy in Buildings’, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucharest:

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009


MNAC and NAi / Netherlands Architecture Institute

Present on Tuesday, 10th of March 2009, 17.00

Urbanology – Crash courses on a “science” in crisis:

A debate about the PUBLIC SPACE in a larger context of European Identity

MNAC and NAi.doc